Hiccup and Astrid

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Just a quick authors note! This is a Romeo and Juliet version of a Hiccstrid story and I will be using actual lines from the real play, I have the book that I am using in my exams! (God that book is exhausting to read!) But I know some of it may seem weird and very high class, but if I'm using exact lines from the real play I'll need to flow so sorry for the posh speak! However I will try and add a couple of more relaxed speak in between the posh speak! Hope you guys like it!!! Also sorry that it's soooo long!

Two households, both alike in dignity. In fair, Berk, where we lay our scene. From ancient grudge, break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes, a pair of star crossed lovers take their life. Whose misadventure'd piteous overthrows do with their death, bury their parents strife. The fearful passage of their death marked love and the continuance of their parents which but their children's end could not remove, is now the busy traffic of our stage. The which of you, with patient eyes attend what here shall miss, our toil shall strife to mend. (Slightly altered actual beginning to Romeo & Juliet)

Astrid is a proud member of the House Hofferson, one in which she wished would stray from their hatred of a rival house, for they share an island and a feud just seems boisterous and annoying in her mind. All she wishes is for her to finally finish her studies and sail around the world, perhaps even fall in love. But instead she is stuck, trapped inside this castle in which she calls her home, but she is mostly confined to her room. It's like she was an animal for show whenever her family would allow her out, but that was mostly for confession at the public church.

The feud was spread throughout the island of Berk. On the North side of the island, the Hofferson's ruled and lay their families upon its vast forests and hills. It is the biggest part of the island, yet most of it is inhabitable due to the border that runs through the forest. But in the middle of the island there is the main city, Berk, where the feud is invisible but still present among the citizens who call that place their home. This city is the only place upon the island where the feud is not allowed to take place, so you might think it was safe.

But separated by a small mountain on the near south side of the island, lay another castle, yet this one belonged to the Hofferson's rival house, House Haddock. These were the first family to land upon Berk's shores, yet the Hofferson's still believe they have the right to rule it themselves. Hiccup is the son of the leader of his house, and he despised it. The house, the castle, the family. Despite his love for his parents and his dear cousin, Snotlout, Hiccup still found no joy in his life.

Apart from the dear Heather, whom his head felt the purest of courtly love for. But to him, this love felt nothing like love, more like a constant low to the heart, like cold fire, a feather of lead, dark light. He was not one for conversation, his love for Heather had drawn him away from himself and he cared not for the feud in which he was centred in.

"Afternoon dear cousin." Snotlout approached the daydreaming Hiccup, his head full of the thoughts and feelings of his Heather. But the one who had also rejected his heart.

"Snotlout, I hear another fight broke out among the streets of Berk." Hiccup walked through the castle gardens, the only quiet place in the entire castle. Snotlout roared a forced laugh, but instead earned a hard and confused glare from Hiccup.

"You are right, but they struck first!" Snotlout pleaded, his eyes seemed weary and unsure of his own answer yet his voice seemed so sure. hiccup just rolled his eyes in return.

"I see you were at this foul deed then. Against Dagur and his fighting fiends?" Hiccup asked, his head secretly hoping it wasn't true, for he did care for his cousin and felt only pity when he hears of his fights among the Hofferson's.

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