The Decision

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A/N: Okay so I was wondering about what to write when I was scrolling through the comments for ideas when I came across a comment by Cloverpool and I thought, 'you know what I think I will try and make that a one-shot...' So here it is and I hope you like it!!

The dragon hunters had been searching the sea for weeks and hadn't landed upon any dragons in their search. Viggo had given them orders to not engage with the dragon riders unless they engaged with them, but Ryker had better ideas,

"Head for the dragon riders base!" The hunters looked at him in dismay,

"But sir, Viggo told us---" Ryker drew his sword and aimed it at the hunter's neck. His eyes grew wide with anger and his knuckles turned white from the way he was holding his sword,

"I don't care! Just do as I say..." The hunters began running around the ship to change the sails and direction of the ship. To Dragons Edge it was.


Back at the edge all the riders were playing 'beat the dome' and it was Astrid's turn. She flew like the wind through the trees and around the sea stacks, the dome was rapidly closing but she knew she wouldn't make it as no one could beat the dome but Hiccup. But she wanted to give it a go... She shot into the gap in the rocks, she squeezed through the gap and into the dome. She ordered Stormfly towards the last bit of light coming from outside the dome, she was about to make it when. Slam! The dome closed on them, she didn't make it. She landed Stormfly and gave her a pat,

"We did our best girl," Fishlegs ran up to Astrid, he seemed happy about something. Did she do better than she expected?

"Astrid! Well done, you were three seconds out... You gained some tremendous ground!" Astrid punched Fishlegs in excitement,

"Really!?" Fishlegs rubbed his arm and nodded. Astrid hugged Stormfly and drew a big grin across her face, but it soon disappeared as she suddenly saw a familiar ship on the horizon. Not good familiar, bad familiar. She cupped a hand above her eyes so she could see without the sun getting in her eyes. Oh no. Dragon Hunters! She looked towards Hiccup, who exchanged the same worried glance, Astrid pointed to the horizon and watched as Hiccup followed her finger to the ship sailing into their waters.

"Err... Guys! Dragons! NOW!" Everyone jumped onto their dragons and shot into the sky and after the ship. The Dragon Hunters didn't notice the riders as they approached the ship from above the clouds, Hiccup dived down and took the first shot. He hit it right in the middle of the deck hitting all of the main ballista's out of the way, then the rest of the riders went down and began to attack the ship.

 The attack was going well, until it went wrong. Snotlout got too close to Astrid and knocked her off Stormfly. She began to plummet to towards the sea,

"ASTRID!" Hiccup dived after holding out an arm, Astrid reached out trying to grab for it but a chain wrapped itself around her waist. Stormfly was also diving but got to close and was being shot at by the dragon root arrows causing her to try and fly away, she turned around but Hiccup and Toothless were right behind her. She tried to swerve out of the way but it was too late, she crashed into them sending Hiccup flying off Toothless and in front of the dragon hunter ship, he attached himself to his dragon flight suit. He flew away from the front of the ship but Toothless wasn't so lucky. He crashed into the sea and was pulled up by the dragon hunters and thrown onto the deck. He was chained and muzzled but Ryker looked towards the riders, he wasn't finished yet,

"Hiccup Haddock! Come on deck and let us talk this out like men!" Hiccup caught up with Stormfly and climbed onto her saddle. He turned her around and flew her down towards deck, but jumped onto the deck and told Stormfly to wait with the others. He didn't want her to get captured too,

"What do you want?" Ryker gave Hiccup a meanicing look,

"The Night Fury..." Hiccup 's eyes widened,

"Not a chance..." Ryker smiled before stepping back to reveal a night fury chained and muzzled,

"No?" Hiccup tried to run to Toothless but a huge group of dragon riders aimed their bows at him,

"Toothless!" Hiccup sighed. He wasn't ahead of the game and it seemed like he wouldn't be winning today. But then it got worse,

"Oh and one more thing," Ryker stepped aside again to reveal Astrid tied up and against a post,


"Astrid! Why are you doing this Ryker!?" Ryker just smiled at him,

"Because I can." Hiccup's fists clenched, "but I am willing to make a sacrifice..." Hiccup looked hopeful,

"What is it?!"

"The girl! I'll let the girl live and you can leave with her and the rest of the dragon riders. Alive. Sound fair?" Hiccup began to fret, he couldn't leave Toothless here but he didn't want to lose Astrid. The decision was going to kill him,

"Hiccup don't do it! Not for me..." Ryker turned around violently,

"Silence her!" Hiccup ran quickly over to Toothless's cage and began desperately to pull the muzzle off of Toothless's mouth. But dragon hunters began to approach him. Astrid blocked one of the hunters and managed to cut her ropes with his axe. She then stood beside Hiccup,

"Not your best plan in the world..." Hiccup was still trying to pull off the muzzle and just grunted at Astrid's comment. A dragon hunter tried to attack Hiccup from the opposite side of Astrid but she made it to the other side in time to save Hiccup. They began to battle it out and Astrid managed to knock him out cold, she then noticed a large group of dragon hunters approaching them. She raised her axe and smiled evily, this would be a bit difficult. Suddenly two scaly claws wrapped themselves around her arms and pulled her up into the air, Astrid watched as the ship got further and further away. She looked up to see two emerald eyes smile at her with a gummy smile, Toothless. Hiccup leaned down to check whether Astrid was there,

"Did you get her?" Astrid smiled, and gestured to Toothless who understood. He flung her up and onto his back, she landed and used her arms to balance her,

"Hey, room for one more?" Hiccup turned and smiled at her before he hugged her,

"I'm just glad you're safe..." She smiled once more. She hook her head and rolled her eyes in sync,

"I told you, you can't lose me that easily..." They both laughed and re-grouped with the rest of the riders and headed back to the Edge. 

Ryker watched the dragon riders fly away and clenched his fists, how could he be so clueless? Of course he couldn't keep the night fury when the boy was there. But he was going to get that Night Fury, even if it's the last thing he does...

Hope you guys liked this one and I know it might not be the best one - shot I've ever done but I actually enjoyed writing this one. So thank you to Cloverpool for giving me this idea, and as always please give me ideas... I am ready for any story idea, it's an open door!!!

Can't wait for season 4 of RTTE!!!!

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