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This is the follow up from the one shot Halloween.

WARNING!!!!: This one shot will include sexual references although there won't be any actual sex! Readers discretion is advised...

Astrid headed over to the cove where Hiccup was waiting for her. She skipped happily through the forest, she hadn't brought Stormfly as she wanted Hiccup and her to get some privacy. Privacy for this couple was a very rare thing to come across.

Hiccup was sat beside the lake on a picnic blanket. He knew that this wasn't a date, but he liked to make the effort. He heard a twig snap nearby and shot a glance in its direction, there he saw his beautiful princess, slowly cascading towards him like a magnificent angel. She really was beautiful,

"Hi..." Was all that he could cough out. He thought it was pathetic but Astrid gave him a light punch in the arm as if to say; 'you dork,' and he loved these kind of punches. These were Ines he lived for...

"Hey babe. Nice to see you made an effort, like always..." Hiccups smiled awkwardly and shrugged. Astrid noticed this and decided to sit down on the perfectly laid blanket. She gently patted the space beside her and Hiccup gladly sat there. Hiccup began to unpack the basket and laid it all out,

"Bon appetite!" Hiccup exclaimed once everything was laid out. This made Astrid smile widely. She took off her armor gently and placed it beside her, she was now only in her t-shirt. Hiccup did the same so that he was only in his tunic.


Hiccup had finished eating and looked over to Astrid who was looking out over towards the lake. He chuckled quietly to himself,

"You know, Astrid? You look beautiful in this light..." Astrid turned to him and smiled softly. She always loved his compliments, they were always so meaningful. She shuffled closer to him,

"Really?" Hiccup nodded, "I could say the same to you," Hiccup shuffled closer and leaned in, "it wouldn't be true." He stopped leaning in. He gave Astrid a puzzled look,

"What?" Astrid burst out laughing,

"I'm sorry, I couldn't keep a straight face!" Hiccup laughed as well. Her laugh was always like music to his ears but it made him want to laugh along as well. Hiccup continued to lean in,

"Now about our promise..." At this, Astrid jumped on top of Hiccup causing him to fall backwards. Astrid enjoyed taking the lead and crashed her lips onto Hiccup's. Hiccup sighed and wrapped his arms around Astrid's waist.

The two stayed like this for some time until Astrid decided to change pace. She began to slide her tongue along Hiccups bottom lip begging entrance to his mouth. She felt him tense up but he opened his mouth anyway, she didn't hesitate to dive into his mouth and explore it in a way she never imagined.

Astrid had always imagined the place where she would take her and Hiccups relationship to the next level, but she never thought it would be here. Hiccups grip on her waist tightened, causing Astrid to let out a small moan exciting Hiccup more.

Hiccup decided to take initiative on the situation and with all strength he pushed Astrid over and now he lay on top of her,

"Hiccup?!" Hiccup smirked,

"What? I like it better this way..." He whispered the last part making Astrid sigh in excitement. She couldn't say no to him now. Hiccup then leaned in and pressed his lips against her, his mouth slowly opened allowing her tongue to mingle with his. Hiccup let out a moan as Astrid wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.

Hiccup felt himself growing excited as the kiss went on. He could feel himself growing impatient and so let his hands run down Astrid's sides. Astrid noticed this and allowed the cold shivers run down her spine, but these were good shivers. She felt his hands grip the hem of her shirt, and pulled away quickly whilst he pulled it over her head.

Astrid decided to do the same to him. She was only in her bindings now and felt Hiccups hand run down her shoulder and cupping her breast he massaged it gently causing Astrid to cry out,

"Oh, Hiccup!" This made Hiccup even more excited as he grabbed her breast tighter. Astrid then ran her hands down his sides and took off his shirt too. They pulled away whilst they removed his shirt but soon crashed their lips together once it was off.

Their bodies became one in a long deserved night of passion and they savoured every last moment of it...

Now okay!

I know this is a short chapter/one shot but I'm not good at writing smut chapters but I gave it my best go! Anyway I'm sorry for not uploading in a while but I will try my best to upload something on the weekend as I already have a few ideas.

xoSukebu3xoKoko I am writing your fanfic idea and it should be up this weekend, I'm sorry for the wait!!!

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