Story Time

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A/N: I'm sorry it's taken me a long time to update mostly because I've been struggling to come up with good ideas (that haven't already been taken). So here is another one-shot, I hope you enjoy. This is set a year before RTTE.

The blizzard raged outside and was so cold it could've frozen yak milk as soon as it was produced. The wind blew fiercely and crashed through houses and tipped them upside down.
The whole village crowded into the great hall trying to find any bit of warmth they could. The dragon riders found a quiet and secluded part of the hall and lay down against their dragons thinking of things to do to pass the time.
"Oh I have an idea-" Tuffnut was cut off by Astrid instantly,

"Tuff, for the last time, if it involves: fire, violence, explosions, harmful gas or Ruffnut attacked until she bleeds. We're not doing it!" Tuffnut pulled a raspberry at her,

"Who made you cheif!"

"Alright Tuff that's enough. Let's try not to cut each other's heads off whilst we're in here, alright." Hiccup, who had been quietly stewing in the corner listening to the conversation, got up and sat with the other riders.

"Okay, how about we just tell stories." Everyone groaned in unison, "I don't like my idea as much as you guys do but, we are going to be in here a while. Might as well do something to pass the time."

"You're right son you do need to pass the time with stories, and I think I have the perfect one for you and your friends." Hiccup raised an eyebrow but allowed his father to continue.

"Be my guest." But Hiccup regretted those words as soon as he said them.

"Alright, this story is when Hiccup was 4 and it was a couple days before Snoggletog..." Hiccup became alarmingly agitated.

"Dad, you don't have to tell this story. I doubt they even want to hear it." Hiccup began to suspiciously rub his chest.

"Of course we do, Hiccup!"

"See? Now, it was a couple of days before Snoggletog and Astrid's parents had left town for a couple of weeks and Hiccup decided to cheer her up. So he went over to her house two nights before Snoggletog and found out that Astrid's parents might not arrive home in time for Snoggletog." Hiccup became agitated and could barely look up to look at the dragon riders, especially Astrid. "Hiccup dashed over to the forge that night and spent hours on a special gift for Astrid." Hiccup stood up and tried to wave his father away but no one moves Stoick the Vast.

"I don't think we need to hear the rest of this story, right?" Hiccup pleaded to his friends, but being the stubborn group they are they shook their heads.

"We want to hear more. Go on," Stoick nodded and carried on the story. Hiccup sighed and walked away from the group but still was in earshot,

"Anyway, on Snoggletog morning Hiccup woke up bright and early and headed towards Astrid's house only to find her parents had arrived home. Hiccup has never made or even given gifts to anyone after that. But I don't know what he made nor what he did with it..." The gang looked at Hiccup in bewilderment, but Fishlegs was the first one to speak,

"I can't believe you did that?" Hiccup sighed and threw a necklace into the middle of the group. The twins instantly grabbed at it, but gasped when they saw what it said. Astrid grabbed it and stared at it then sighed quietly to herself. It said "Know that you'll never be alone as long as I'm here, H." Then on the front if the necklace was a heart with the letters H and A beautifully carved into it.

"Oh Hiccup..." Astrid rose to her feet and placed the necklace around her neck. She then strode carefully over to Hiccup, she reached for his hand and looked in his forest green eyes and smiled, "Thank you for the gift Hiccup, and now I can give you mine." With that Astrid placed her lips upon Hiccups...
Who knew that an embarrassing story could have won over the heart of his crush?

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed . This is dedicated to all my current followers, Thank you guys. Sorry for such a late update but please give me Ideas!

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