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Okay guys I know it's been a while but here's another one - shot, I may have stolen the idea from others but this is my version of the story. Enjoy!!

Hiccup and the gang were sat in the clubhouse enjoying Heather's Yak Chops, they were delicious. Astrid was hesitant about eating them, it's not because she didn't like them, it was more because she didn't feel hungry,

"Astrid, are you okay?" Heather snapped her out of her thoughts and back to reality. Astrid jumped when Heather spoke and looked at her innocently,

"Yeah. I'm fine..." She smiled and looked back at her full plate and began picking at it,

"You sure?" Hiccup chimed in, "You haven't eaten a scrap." Astrid shrugged before she pushed the plate away from her and towards the firepit in the middle of the table,

"I'm just not hungry." Astrid stood and left the Clubhouse,

"Astrid?!" She didn't hear him. Astrid walked to the stables to sit with her dragon, but on her way she stopped at her hut. She walked in and smelt the familiar smell of steel from her axes, she walked over to her bedside table and grabbed the notebook that lay on top of it. She picked it up and smiled,

"Just to prove I'm not crazy..." She hugged the notebook against her chest and then turned to the door of her hut and walked out. She closed the door behind her and made her way over to the stables.

The stables were dark at this time of night but due to Astrid's constantly night walks, she was used to the darkness and developed a sixth sense for seeing in the dark. She made her way over to her dragon and leaned against her. Her dragon opened an eye and saw her rider, Astrid smiled at Stormfly and the Nadder then closed her eyes to drift off back to sleep.

Astrid looked at her notebook that was still hugged to her chest, she lay it on her lap and opened it up. She read the many pages of it, she liked to read them so that she could calm herself. She read it usually after she had dreams, good or bad. She called it a dream journal. She wrote in it after every dream, she always found comfort in having it by her bedside. It reminded her of all the times she'd had as a child, the fun ones, and the embarrassing ones. But she only kept it because she'd noticed a disturbing pattern between them.

Astrid had started keeping the dream journal from when she started having nightmares. Yes, Astrid Hofferson had nightmares. But Astrid had a way to deal with them and that was to write about them, because if she could remember them there was a chance that she wouldn't relive them.

But the pattern she noticed was that ever since Hiccup lost part of his leg, all her nightmares involved him in some way: whether it was him being killed, captured, tortured or even taken away from him by another girl. She never liked those dreams but always liked reading things about Hiccup, it gave her a pleasant feeling inside. But it felt like she was being stabbed when she'd read about him being abused in some way.

"You... Okay?" Hiccup was stood at the entrance to Stormfly's stable. Astrid looked up from her notebook, she smiled and nodded,

"Yeah... Just reading." Hiccup's eyebrows furrowed and he smiled,

"What you reading?" Astrid closed the book and looked at it before she spoke,

"Never mind." She looked up at Hiccup who was still stood at the door, "What's up?" Hiccup shook his head playfully,

"Don't change the subject. What's in the book?" Astrid patted Stormfly and walked over to Hiccup with a serious face,

"Wouldn't you like to know..." With that Astrid walked off back to her hut leaving Hiccup in the empty stables,

Hiccstrid One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now