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Time for some spooks... It's nearly Halloween!! 🎃 👻 🕸

This is Dreadfall. A stupid name, I know but this is a holiday that us vikings celebrate. On this day we like to scare or frighten those around us. We dress up in silly outfits in an attempt to scare someone. But this year will be different, this year we have... Dragons.

I am so excited for this year's Dreadfall and it promises to be a good one. I plan to spend it with my girlfriend, Astrid, she and I were planning on doing a couples costume. But as usual, it didn't go to plan.


"Okay, how about we just paint the dragons?" Astrid stared at me, "What? It's an idea. At least it's better than anything you've... OW!" She punched me in the arm, hard. I think that's gonna bruise,

"Are you saying my ideas aren't good?! I've been the only one coming up with good ideas!" Astrid's eyes glared at mine,

"What do you mean, 'good '? You suggested that we 'dress - up' the dragons. I don't see how that's good?" Astrid punched me again. Harder. I rubbed my arm in a hope to relieve the pain. I sighed,

"Okay, let's take a step back. I'm sorry..." Astrid smiled. She brought me in for a hug, at first I was surprised but then I wrapped my arms around her, returning her hug. She buried her face into my shoulder,

"No, Hiccup. I'm sorry... I shouldn't have over reacted." I smiled and held her tighter,

"It's okay... Let's start over, shall we?" She nodded and drew away from the hug. As she did my arms began to feel empty, I wanted to hug her again but decided I shouldn't as I didn't want to distract us. I faced the chalkboard again and continued to think of ideas.


I had finally finished painting Toothless, I had painted him so it looked like his skeleton was on the outside. I was proud of my work, but I felt quite silly dressed in my armor and wrapped in a cloak (Astrid's idea!) and I sulkily started to walk over to Astrid's house. I was careful to not tread in any mud because my cloak wasn't exactly short.

I arrived at Astrid's house and knocked on the door, but instead of Astrid arriving at the door, I was greeted by her mother,

"Ah, Hiccup! Pleasure to see you again!" I smiled in response,

"You too, Mrs. Hofferson. Errr... Do you know where Astrid is?" Astrid's mother quietly chuckled to herself,

"She's upstairs..." I rushed in,

"Thank you!" I then ran up the stairs in search of Astrid. I was glad that Astrid's father wasn't home, him and me don't always see eye to eye about everything. I also get the feeling he doesn't really like me, especially when he finds out that I've slept over without his permission! But meeting him would really be a 'Dreadfall' surprise! (Pun Intended!!!)

I slowly creaked open the door to see Astrid delicately brushing her hair. She hummed with every stroke, I can never guess what songs she sings. But that's her personal business, and that's how I plan for it to stay! I approach her and she still hasn't noticed me, and as I drew closer I lifted my cloak (like the top part of the photo) and prepared for an attack. I was stood right behind her now, and she still hasn't noticed me. I decided to risk it and wrap her in the cape with me towering over her. She whipped around and jumped when she caught sight of me above her,

"Hiccup! What in Thor's name?! You scared me half to death!" She clutched her heart as she spoke. I smiled,

"Happy Dreadfall, M'lady..." I then showered her in kisses from beneath the cape. She giggled in response and I continued to shower her with my kisses. She eventually grabbed my face and pressed her lips against mine. She pulled me closer and closer as the kiss grew more passionately. I felt her tongue slide across my bottom lip, forcing me away. She pouted when I finally escaped her death grip,

"Woah, Astrid... Later, okay..." Astrid sighed. She braided her hair before turning to me,

"Promise?" I smiled and gave her a hug. Enveloping her in my cape,


Ta Da!!!!

So what did you guys think? I saw the picture on Instagram and wondered whether I could make a one shot out of it. I know this is short but I couldn't really think of anything long to write with this image.

I hope you guys liked it and please write me a request it you have any!!! ALso go check out my YouTube channel: KirstenFuryLover

Love you guys!! Laters!!

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