The Blacksmith

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Astrid's POV:

I keep watching him. I can't help it, but he doesn't know me. Not personally anyway, not in the way I'd like him to know me. My window looks over the stables, and so the blacksmith's forge that rests beside it, I mean why wouldn't there be a forge there. The horses have shoes after all. But I was the one who requested it to be there, for there to even be one at all. It was because of him.

Hiccup. I don't know his last name, because neither does he.

But the worst thing, is that he is just a Blacksmith. Not a noble, or a count, or a deity, or even a prince. Just a simple Blacksmith. But why is that a problem? I forgot to mention.

I'm a princess.

Yeah, and princess can't fall in love with simple menial men, like a blacksmith. But I guess I already broke that rule, yet I know he won't feel the same about me. I mean, how could he? I'm a princess, everyone always thinks the worst of us. Dressing up in fine ballgowns and throwing ourselves at the most handsome and wealthy men.

But I'm different. I don't want to be a princess, I never asked to be one! I hate living in a castle, having all these servants ready standing, having only fine dresses to wear, no friends that are real. Yeah, I have to make them up, I hate all those 'ladies in waiting' they don't care about me, just the men they could have at their disposal.

I hate it! All of it!

But the one thing that keeps me from running away is him, Hiccup. He doesn't know me well, but I feel like I've been his friend for years. We mainly don't speak because of one thing.

"Morning your Highness!" Hiccup calls from below and catching me by surprise. But I responded anyway.

"Morning!" I sighed. He knows I'm the princess...

I finally withdraw from the window and make my way to the vast closet that rested in the corner of the room. The big wooden canvas that encased all those beautifully stitched costumes seemed to make the room feel bigger and I always hated how it was always so empty, empty of any personality that I could call mine.

I managed to finally make my way to the back of the closet and to a hidden panel at the back. Prying it open, I carefully looked behind me to make sure no one could see and therefore revealed the simple, intricate outfit I had always hid inside.

After throwing on the special outfit I admired myself in the mirror. I hated dresses, and so it only seemed right that the only outfit that appealed to me, wasn't a dress. The top of the outfit was a simple, cream long sleeved cotton shirt that was rather thick and kept in the warmth. Along with it was a brown woolly, cotton vest that laced together at the front, it help to piece it together and attached to the vest was a hood lined with animal fur for extra comfort. On the bottom part I wore black leggings lined with a small lining of animal fur that helped to also keep in warmth. Finally, on my feet I wore simple leather riding boots, all to complete the look. All to complete the personality.

After a few seconds of admiration I left my room and headed down the corridors. It was quite early in the morning, probably only around half 6, and so I knew my parents wouldn't be up yet. But the servants were, yet for me they weren't a problem because this was normal routine for me that they always kept quiet.

Finally I exited the endless hallways and found myself outside and headed off toward the stables, I had to say good morning to Stormfly after all. My walk over to the stables was quiet and peaceful, I always enjoyed walks in the morning, they always seemed to chase away the duties and the formalities. It was soothing.

"Neigh!" I heard Stormfly calling to me as I entered the stables and it caused me to break into a run and dash to her stable. She looked extremely pleased to see me, it made me smile wide as I petted her head.

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