Defenders of the Wing Part 2

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A/N: I have decided to do the episodes I think should come after season 3. Basically I am gonna dedicate these next couple of stories for RTTE Season 4... If you think of an episode you think I should write then feel free to tell me. This episode is dedicated to Amna Duic (Your wish is my command...)

"So, you were just a distraction after all. I was actually beginning to believe you." Mala srunched her fist further making the dragon hunter arrow snap in her hand,

"No, this isn't what you think." Hiccup pleaded,

"Silence, Hiccup Haddock! You've served your master well. Without the Eruptodon to protect us, the fate of my village is sealed. But so is yours" Mala angrily pointed a finger at Hiccup and the gang,

"Mala..." Hiccup raised his hands in surrender, but it didn't work,

"I warned you what would happen if I found out you were lying to me." Guards began to surround Hiccup and Astrid as they stood back to back surveying the area. No way out. "Your people are going to die for what you've done. But first, Hiccup..." Mala drew her sword. " I'm going to kill you myself..."

"Mala please this isn't what you think. We were just as clueless as you, we had no idea..."

"Silence, Hiccup!" The gang stood in shock and fear as Mala's sword approached Hiccup's neck,

"NOOO!" Suddenly the sword flew away from Hiccup's neck, almost leaving a mark, and left Mala's grip. Mala looked at the traitor who was brave enough to intervene, "If you want to kill Hiccup, then... Then you'll have to kill me too!" Throck, Mala and the other guards laughed. A sword flew from the ground and into Mala's hands,

"Gladly," Mala watched as the rest of the traitors surround Hiccup. What was this?

"Astrid, as far as worst plans go. This is your best worst plan ever," Astrid smiled at Hiccup over her shoulder,

"Thank you, Hiccup." Mala looked in astonishment as the riders stood in a huddle protecting Hiccup.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Hiccup pushed through the riders and stood before Mala with Astrid closely beside him,

"We didn't mean for any of this to happen. Let us make it up to you, we'll do anything... Right guys?" Hiccup turned to the other dragon riders and ushered them to agree.

"If I say yes, can I at least shoot first and ask question later?" Ruffnut punched her brother, "Yep okay, I'll do anything..." Tuffnut didn't seem convinced. Hiccup looked at Mala and tried to plead again,

"Please Mala, give us another chance an I promise we are one hundred percent on your side." Mala slowly lowered her sword, she was defeated. If Hiccup really meant what he said then she should at least give him another chance.

"Stand down! We'll give you another chance, but if you lie to us. If you deceive me and my tribe one more time... I will not hesitate in putting all of your heads on a spear!" Hiccup's eyes widened but he lowered his head,

"Thank you, Mala... Now let's evacuate the island before it kills us all!" Mala nodded and ran out of the volcano along with the riders and her guards.


"We need to get everyone off of this island and fast! The mountain won't hold for long..." Mala shouted instructions to her guards and then ran off into the village to warn the others. She then stopped realising the dragon riders were also awaiting instructions, she turned to them, "You, get on your dragons and get yourselves off of the island..." Then Mala ran off into the village. Hiccup turned to the dragon riders.

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