Awkward kiss

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Found this GIF on DeviantArt and I knew that I wanted to write a one shot from it. So here it is! Also Hiccup and Astrid aren't a couple in this.

The sun shone through the windows and illuminated the rooms below. The sun crept its way up to the sleeping bodies within.

Hiccup was the first to awaken. His eyes fluttered open and were greeted by a rather unusual sight,

"Toothless, really... Can I not have 5 more minutes?" The night fury began to jump up and down on the bed, causing it to rattle and shake under the pressure. Hiccup groaned with every wobble,

"Alright! I'm up see," He walked over to his dresser, "I'm getting dressed..." Toothless nodded in acceptance and trundled down the stairs seeming quite proud of himself. Hiccup sighed as he watched the cheeky night fury bound up to the door.

As Hiccup opened the door he was greeted rather rudely by another dragon. Hiccup was pushed down onto the ground by the force of the terror,

"Terror mail?" Hiccup picked the terrible terror from his face. He unraveled the small scroll that was attached to it's leg. As he read the letter his face turned into a scowl. Hiccup's fists turned white with frustration and he picked himself up from the ground rather quickly.

Hiccup stormed into the Clubhouse and thankfully found the gang all sat around the fireplace eating breakfast. None of the gang noticed Hiccup standing by the door. Well, one person did,

"Hiccup, are you okay?" Astrid rose from her seat and quickly walked over to him. She placed a hand upon his shoulder and whispered something in his ear that the rest of the gang struggled to hear. But this sentence instantly calmed him down,

"Tell me what's wrong, Hiccup..." Hiccup sighed and handed her the letter. Astrid gasped in surprise,


"What's wrong?!"

"Tell us!!"

"Oh my gods... Hiccup, this is amazing!" Astrid punched him in the arm excitedly. Everyone looked at the couple confused,

"What?" Everyone gasped at the same time,

"Astrid, this is far from amazing..." Astrid smiled, she looked at him in amusement. She looked at the letter then him. She gave him a hug,

"Hiccup, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity," She pulled away and looked at him, "Don't miss it." Hiccup sighed. Astrid removed her hands from his shoulders and sat down with the rest of the gang,

"Come on. At least eat your breakfast and see how you feel about it then..." Hiccup was still stood at the door. He didn't want to move, in hope that it would change his current situation. Astrid cleared her throat, not looking at Hiccup. Hiccup groaned and made his way over to the table and reluctantly sat down.


Hiccup stood on the end of the runway from the stables. He stared at the sky. He still didn't want to go back to Berk, but if he didn't his father would still hunt him down and drag him there back to Berk himself. That's the last thing Hiccup wanted. Astrid slowly approached him,

"Hiccup..." Hiccup turned his head to look at Astrid,


"We'll be fine here. Your father wants you at Berk... You have to go..." Hiccup sighed and turned his full body towards Astrid,

"I'm not blind to the situation, Astrid. It's just..." Astrid stepped closer,

"It's just..." Hiccup began to rub the back of his neck,

"It's just... I don't think I'll be the chief he wants me to be..." Astrid sighed. She stepped closer to him so that they were only a foot apart. She placed a hand upon his shoulder,

"If he thought that, I doubt he would have asked you... Hiccup, look at me." Hiccup reluctantly turned his head to face Astrid. Her eyes stared back into his. Forest Green staring into Ocean Blue...

"Yes..." Astrid smiled. Her eyes growing brighter,

"I would follow you to the ends of the earth if you ordered me to." She withdrew her hand so she could gesture to her surroundings, "I mean... Look at what you helped us create. Without your leadership, we'd be stood in rubble... You have kept us standing for Thor knows how long and we have always been by your side. Believe in yourself for once, Hiccup..." Hiccup smiled. At the same time Toothless came bounding over, looking overly excited for the journey ahead. Astrid and Hiccup giggled at Toothless,

"Thanks, Astrid..." Hiccup then unconsciously pressed his lips against Astrid's. (The GIF) When he pulled away, he saw Astrid's eyes wide. That's when he realized what he'd done and his eyes grew wide too. He pulled hastily, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly whilst Astrid looked away, blushing. When the awkwardness had died down, a little, Astrid spoke,

"Well, err... You... You better be... Be getting on your way..." Hiccup looked up from the ground and widened his eyes,

"Oh, yeah... See ya!" With that Hiccup raced over to Toothless and flew away. Astrid watched as the pair flew off into the distance. She suddenly felt her hand touching her lips where Hiccup's had previously been. He kissed her. He kissed her? Although it was short, she enjoyed every second of it...

Another short one I know!!

I can't be bothered writing an authors note for this but I hope you liked it!!!

See Ya Later!!!

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