Wake Up!

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(A/N): Alright I got this idea from the Futurama episode 'The Sting' and I tried to swerve away from the main story line from that episode but most of it's still there. So I hope you like it, and btw it's set in RTTE but I don't know when? Be creative with where you think it is... Sorry it might be rather long.

Astrid's POV:

I woke up only to be greeted by Stormfly, she seemed to have been waiting for me. But why? Just then I heard muffled voices outside and shouts (probably the twins) coming from the clubhouse. I decided to see what was going on, I quickly got dressed and went outside only to find no-one was there, it had all gone quiet. Suddenly I heard Hiccup's voice beckoning me over to the clubhouse, this couldn't be good. 

As I got there I was greeted by the gang who all seemed pretty hot-on-their-toes. They seemed agitated, then Hiccup turned to me and explained what was going on. He went on to explain that the Dragon Hunters had been spotted just a few miles south of the Edge and that we were going to go and draw them away from Dragon's Edge, that way none of them would be able to get the Dragon Eye.

"Hiccup? Shouldn't we leave someone behind and protect the Dragon Eye?" His plan did work, but what if this was just a distraction, a decoy. We had to be sure... Hiccup looked at me quizzically when I said this, therefore I immediately regretted it as soon as I said it. "But I mean we don't have to... It was... Just a... Suggestion?" Hiccup smiled at me.

"Astrid actually has a point. What if this is just a distraction? We should leave someone behind to send a stress signal if there's trouble..." He looked around the room. His head swiveled from one side of the room to the other, he looked at each of us before he finally reached a conclusion. "OK here's the plan..."


The four of us set off. The genius Hiccup had decided to leave the twins behind because they 'Have the most read-able stress signal and there are more eyes to search for danger. Personally in my opinion, I would have left Snotlout back at the Edge instead of those two Muttonheads! Nevertheless, we had spotted the ships but stayed up above the clouds, out of the range of the arrows. Then we made our move, Hiccup went first and shot the boat with a plasma blast and then retreated back to the clouds. Then Snotlout went and hit the boat with his fiery blast, then he also retreated back to the clouds. One by one we did this and eliminated most of their armory and weaponry to a minimum. Then we pounced, each of us taking one direction of the boat. I took the west side of the boat even though I had no Dragon armor!

We blasted and blasted the boat, but didn't cause too much damage. The arrows shot past us and barely hit any of us. But then things started turning for the worst... Me and Stormfly started to get a bit ahead of ourselves and started getting rather close to the boat. Stormfly started shooting spine shots, before I knew it a dragon hunter arrow shot right into my arm.

"ARRGGHHH!!!" I screamed in pain. Just then, Hiccup was caught in a net and came pummeling down onto the boat. Then Fishlegs came crashing into the sea, and then Snotlout flew away from the fight. Coward! But I tried to fly down and save Hiccup but the blood started to rush to my head and I felt dizzy, I tried shouting his name but it only came out as a mumble "Hiccup?" Suddenly, already unbalanced, Stormfly jolted and did a spine shot throwing me out the saddle. This time I was in trouble! I screamed for help but all I saw was Ryker with a sword in hand and preparing to kill Hiccup.

"HICCUP!!! NOOO!!" I smashed into the sea, then everything went black...


I woke up with a start. I found myself in my room and Stormfly watching over me with worried eyes.

"Hey girl? How did I get here?" I looked around me and saw nothing out of the ordinary. Maybe it could have all been a dream? I saw Stormfly glancing at the door, obviously she wanted to go for an early morning flight. "Maybe the whole thing was just a dream... Alright then let's go get breakfast with the others."

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