Edge of Disaster (Alternate Ending)

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Cred to owner of this pic that I found online. I love it soo much!!!

This one shot was requested by xXNight_RyderXx and I have to say I had so much planning this one!!!

Okay so without I'll try to sum it up without trying to give away too much: Instead of threatening Hiccup with Astrid, Viggo kidnaps Astrid instead...

Viggo smiled as he watched Hiccup and the Night Fury fly away from him and towards his brothers ship and laughed menacingly.

"Poor dear Hiccup. You gave me a very easy move..." Viggo turned away and walked off further into the island in search of a special someone.

As he reached the middle of the island he found a familiar young figure standing looking at the sky above. Hiccup was lucky, but his luck was about to run out.

"Hello Astrid..." Viggo said from out of the darkness. Astrid quickly whipped around and looked at him worriedly.

"Why are you here? Where's Hiccup?" Astrid began to panic and fret. Suddenly everything went black and Astrid fell to the floor. Unconscious.

Stormfly tried to attack Viggo but he instantly knocked her out with some dragon nip. She wasn't needed. He only needed the girl...


Viggo looked at the girl as she slept on then boats wooden deck as they sailed across the ocean. He smiled at the divine beauty that lay before him and thought about how lucky Hiccup was. How did he manage to land a girl like her? He doesn't feel like taking the girl for himself, like many would think and that would just be playing fair, and he's not playing anymore.

"Hey, wake up... Wake up." Viggo yelled and shook Astrid awake. He watched the girl jolt to her feet. She looked shocked and confused at the world around her but she soon returned to her senses and recognised her surroundings.

"WHAT?!" She ran to the sides of the boat and then turned to see the man behind her. "You! You took me?! To here?! Where exactly is... Here?" Viggo smiled and relished in his moment of glory. He turned the blonde to look at the fading island behind them.

"I want you to watch your friends last moments." Viggo smiled as he held Astrid by the shoulders and forced her to watch her island. She knew what was going to happen.

"No..." Astrid said quietly. She didn't want to look, yet she couldn't look away either.

"To watch your beautiful island, your friends and lets not forget...." Viggo leaned in closer, "Your little Hiccup..."

"No..." Astrid said with a croak in her voice. She watched in fear as the volcano erupted and a single tear bled from Astrid's eye. "No!"

"Oh yes..." Viggo said with a smile before the island faded into the distance yet Astrid kept her eyes fixed on it. This wasn't over. Not by a long shot...

I'll leave it on a cliffhanger....

So just like RTTE's last episode I'm gonna end this one on a cliffhanger and be off. I've just gone back to school and am very tired right now. Its 10:45 right now and I have school tomorrow... UGH! My boyfriend has actually told me to go to bed now but I'm still up!!!

I'm am so done with life right now... I'm also sorry that this is so short as well but love y'all and see you soon...

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