The Break up - Request

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Another request by linahofferson18 and thank you so much for the request!!!

Astrid woke up early that morning. The sun had barely awoken and only a strip of light reflected upon the sleeping Edge. Astrid walked over to Hiccups house with a beaming smile, she was really excited about her morning flight with Hiccup.

It's been about 2 weeks since Hiccup and Astrid started dating and things have been going well. They have barely been spending any time apart and always seem to be close in one way or another. But today was different.

Astrid came up to Hiccups door to find it open, she quickly glanced inside the empty and dark room. Nothing. Empty. Astrid was worried, so she hurriedly ran down towards the stables. But still no sign of him or his night fury ... Wait! Toothless wasn't here? Maybe they'd gone out flying...

"That son of a half troll... He's gone on a recon flight. Alone!" Astrid muttered angrily under her breath. Steam was shooting out of her ears. Her boyfriend had gone without her and probably wasn't wearing any protection against dragon hunter arrows.

But the familiar black figure covering the sky soon came cascading down towards her and Astrid wore a face that looked like it was about to tear Hiccup apart.

"Hello M'lady... What are you doing here?" Astrid folded her arms. Hiccup gulped. Did she know? But she should have been out in Stormfly by the time he got back.

"Where have you been? Or did you forget about our morning flight?" Hiccup face-palmed. Their morning flight together, how could he have forgotten about it?! Astrid sighed,

"I'm so sorry Astrid. I decided to test out a new tail and everything and I guess I just lost track of time..." Hiccup barely made eye contact with her. Could she tell when he was lying? Astrid placed her hands on her hips,

"No you weren't Hiccup! You went on a recon flight again, alone?!" Hiccup shyly nodded. He was cornered, but he always felt bad when he lied to her but he felt even worse now that he knows he has forgotten about their morning flight together.

"I'm sorry As--"

"No Hiccup, your not! You always do this to me, to us! I can't live with the fact that you always lie to me when you're getting into trouble on purpose!" Hiccup lowered his head in shame, "How can I trust you knowing that next time you might lie to me? I... I can't live like this anymore. I--" Astrid stopped and looked down at the ground. She didn't want to say what she had to say and she knew that, but how could she trust him again after this? Hiccup looked up awaiting her reply,

"What are you saying?" Hiccup asked. He hoped she would punish him in some way, playfully.

"I think we should break up... I just need some time alone to figure out what 'this' is..." When Astrid says 'this' she gestures the two of them but she dare not look Hiccup in the eyes as she knows that she'll just fall head over heels for him again, and that's not what she needs right now.

"Astrid, wait..." Hiccup tries reaching out for her arm but she pulls it away just in time before his quick fingers can catch her in his tight grasp. Astrid steps away and towards the door to the Clubhouse, she held up her arms in defence as she slowly exited the Clubhouse, not taking her eyes of Hiccup for a second. But Astrid was out of there before Hiccup could say any more.


Astrid was in her usual training and relaxation spot, it was mostly relaxing because she could take her anger out on the trees around her. Astrid had been throwing her axes at the trees for a while now and was eventually getting tired but she just needed something else to think about as her mind kept on wandering back to Hiccup. Hiccup... His auburn hair that danced in the wind, and they way his emerald green eyes would light up her day and--- No, she had to stop thinking about him. With that she smashed her axe straight into a tree and right beside,

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