Snoggletog Surprise

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Suggested by HTTYD2Hiccstrid

Summary: When Stoick has news for Hiccup, he is reluctant to find out what it is. So he grabs Astrid's help but gets more than he bargained for...

Hiccup woke up early that Snoggletog morning and looked over to his Night Fury friend. His dragon growled in response to Hiccup's glance, this made Hiccup laugh in return. Toothless slowly stretched out and looked out the window at the snow covered village below. Hiccup quickly grabbed the Night Fury's saddle and saddled his dragon. Toothless noticed something was on the boy's mind, but he didn't want to pressure him too much. He knew he would give in anyway,

"What are you looking at?" Toothless grunted and looked away innocently. Hiccup sighed, was his game up? He could never understand that dragon. Toothless looked at Hiccup hoping that he would give in and tell him what was wrong,

"Fine! My dad wants to talk to me about something... I know he's going to ask me to train for chief. I'm just not ready! But..." Toothless nudged his rider and gestured to the window. Hiccup smiled, he knew what the dragon was telling him. Hiccup mounted the Night Fury and they shot out of the window and into the great white sky above.

Astrid had woken up early that morning also. She and Stormfly were already weaving in and out of the sea stacks, but as they weren't anywhere near the Edge, she needn't do any training this morning. She and Stormfly just spent their time flying around and taking in the surroundings.

It was beautiful at this time of year, especially Snoggletog. Suddenly something black shot down from above spooking Stormfly. Somehow Astrid managed to hang on and calmed the Nadder down,

"Whoa girl... It's okay..." Astrid looked around. Where was he? She saw a black figure quickly approaching her from ahead, so she patted Stormfly and they shot up towards the sun. She noticed the Night Fury slowed and eventually came to a stop. Astrid took her chance, she slowly but quietly, flew down above him and quickly flipped herself upside down and was now right in front of Hiccup's face catching him by surprise,

"Gotcha!" Hiccup gasped in shock. He smiled innocently,

"What was that for?" Astrid rolled her eyes and quickly punched him in the arm,

"That's for scaring Stormfly, and this," Astrid pecked his cheek. She noticed Hiccup blush, "That's because it's Snoggetog..." They both laughed and began to fly back to Berk. The right way up!


Astrid landed back at her house and to get some food for Stormfly, who was still a little shaken after earlier. Hiccup also went back to his hut. But he didn't go home for food, he went to get something special. Hiccup crept up the stairs and into his room, he looked around. He was alone. He reached under his bed and pulled out a large blanket. Inside was a stunningly strong axe. The axe had been tied to the wood with colourful lace and at the bottom of the handle was a bird skull, Astrid's key item of decoration. Hiccup looked at the axe in admiration. He just hoped Astrid will like it,

"Hiccup! Where are you?!" Great, Hiccup thought. He reluctantly answered,

"I'm up here, dad!" Hiccup quickly stored the axe away and sat on his bed, expecting the worst. Stoick appeared at the top of the stairs and looked distantly into Hiccup's room,

"I want to talk to you son... But I want you to keep an open mind..." Hiccup sighed and nodded,

"Sure..." Stoick stepped further into his son's room. He looked around at his drawings,

"I wanted to tell you that... I'm thinking of retiring soon, and... And I was hoping that you would take some lessons in being Chief?" Hiccup stared at his father blankly,

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