Arrogant Jorgensen's

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This was suggested by MoshkaZone and is about Snotlout and Spitelout trying to persuade Astrid to be the future Jorgenson but they forgot who they were stood in front of...


It seemed to be a normal day on Berk, terrible terrors were singing on the rooftops and Hiccup, as usual, was no where to be found.

Astrid meanwhile was walking through town. She enjoyed breathing in the fresh smell of zippleback gas in the morning. Stormfly was happily flying around the plaza, Astrid gave her dragon the day off but her Nadder always kept a close eye on her just in case. She made her way to the great hall for breakfast, but really wanted to be left alone.

She entered the great hall expecting to see Hiccup and the rest of the gang, but she didn't. No one was in sight apart from a few Vikings dotted around the hall. Where was everyone?

Astrid sat on a table by herself and to be honest, she missed the company, especially Hiccups. She didn't know what it was but they shared a special connection like nothing she'd ever felt.


After Astrid left the great hall she headed up to the Haddocks house, but was interrupted by an unexpected guest,

"Well hello, Astrid. Fancy meeting you here.." Astrid groaned,

"What do you want, Snotlout?" The man, if you could call him that, smiled and looked deeply into her eyes. Astrid back away from the interaction,

"You..." He puckered his lips. Astrid punched him on the lips,

"Ugh!" Just then Stoick emerged from his house to find Snotlout lying on the floor and Astrid stood over him. He stood there admiring the two until someone else joined the group,

"Snotlout! Rest is for the weak!" Spitelout came storming over until his gaze fell upon Astrid,

"Well hello there. How's the future Mrs. Jorgensen?" Stoick scrunched his fist. No one talked to a girl like that, especially Hiccups crush.

"Ugh, not another one...." Astrid face palmed and looked back at a now conscience Snotlout. Great. She noticed Spitelout was incredibly close to her now,

"Come on... A strong girl like you, a strong boy like mine. You two would be a power couple!" Spitelout expressed his point, gesturing his arms. Astrid threw up in her mouth,

"You've got to be kidding me?!" She looked at Snotlout in disgust. No way! Her heart was reserved for someone special. But these Jorgensen's don't give up,

"Astrid... You know you can't resist 'this'!" Snotlout said gesturing himself like Hiccup used to. Astrid giggled, not in a 'girly' way just in a 'you're an idiot' kind of way. Spitelout then slammed his hand onto Astrid's back,

"Join the Jorgensen's my dear girl! We'll show you real Vikings!" Stoick clenched his jaw and flared his nostrils, that was his last chance. Say something to harass that girl again and they will feel his wrath. Astrid sighed and looked at the skies,

"Sorry boys but my affections only go to one person..." Snotlout looked confused,

"Me?" Astrid slapped him across the back of the head,

"No! For the last time---" Spitelout interrupted her,

"You want to wait before becoming a Jorgensen! I understand..." Astrid gave Spitelout a death glare. Stoick's fist began to turn white, that was the last straw. He stormed down the path in the direction of Astrid when,

"You heard her Spitelout! She's NOT going to be a Jorgensen!" A black Night Fury landed beside the group and off hopped a young Viking. Hiccup. Astrid's heart melted at the sight of him and Stoick's grip loosened. But Stoick continued to head over,

"Oh, I see... You're her protector are you, Hiccup?" Hiccup hopped off of Toothless and gave Spitelout a hard glare,

"When I have to be, yes." Snotlout then burst into fits of laughter,

"You! Her protector! Hahahahah!!!" Hiccup stormed over and began prodding Snotlout's chest stopping him from laughing,

"You got a problem, Snotlout? Because you're about to." Snotlout held his hands up in defence. You didn't want to get on the wrong side of Hiccup, that's for sure. Stoick eventually arrived at the group,

"SPITELOUT!!!" Spitelout turned around to see a very angry Stoick,

"Ahhh. Stoick. Nice of you to join the party." Stoick placed a hand on his shoulder,

"How about we have a chat?" Spitelout nodded sheepishly, he waddled in beside Stoick up to the great hall. Astrid then walked over to Hiccup who was still arguing with Snotlout,

"I've got this." Then she pinched Snotlout square on the nose, knocking him out cold,

"Ah. Now that's better!" Hiccup gave Astrid a loving gaze and smiled. Astrid walked over and held his hand,

"Thank you, Hiccup. I didn't know how much more I could take..." Hiccup brushed away Astrid's bangs so he could see her eyes,

"Who's heart is yours reserved for?" Astrid rolled her eyes and pecked his cheek,

"It's a secret... He has to tell me first..." Hiccup smiled and watched as the girl of his dreams walked away and into rah village. His heart melted as her hair swayed from side to side. Toothless nudged his rider and looked at him heartedly,

"What are you looking at?" Toothless gurgled as they both watched the girl disappear into the crowd.

Done! I done did it!

That's another suggestion/chapter done and dusted! I am up to my last idea then I'm all out, I think! So please leave suggestions so I don't run out. I'm going to be scrolling through all the comments to find me some ideas!!

Love y'all and check you later!

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