The Tattoo

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This is an idea I got from httydlove4ever 's story 'Tattoo' and thought I'd do a little role reversal. Also, it's set in RTTE season 3 but without Heather, I think before Grim Retreat...


It was a hot day on the Edge and all the riders were hard at work, despite the boiling hot temperatures. Many of the vikings had tried cooling themselves down by taking regular breaks and stripping off clothes. The twins had actually fallen asleep and Snotlout's amusement they were sleeping on top of each other! Astrid found it quite funny but didn't want to show it despite her best efforts.

They were all in the dome and working on the Gronckle Iron production that was taking place, but the heat was getting too much, even Hiccup thought so. The gang all stopped and decided to take a break. Snotlout slept beside Hookfang and enjoyed the hot sun's rays, Fishlegs lay down and read the dragon manual, Hiccup took off his shirt and lay against Toothless in the sun. Astrid on the other hand wasn't as comfortable as the rest were... She had kept on her hand wraps and armor, she didn't feel the need to strip off like the others. She wasn't warm,

"Astrid, are you okay?" Hiccup looked at the beautiful blonde who was stood beside her trusty dragon. She rubbed her arm nervously,

"Yeah... Why wouldn't I be?" Hiccup didn't look convinced. He got up and walked over to Astrid. Her heart raced as the shirtless viking approached her,

"If you're so 'fine', then take off your armor and wraps. You'll cool off easier..." Astrid's eyes widened,

"I don't think that's a good idea," Hiccup looked at Astrid quizzically,

"Oh yeah, why's that?" Astrid shrugged,

"You know, I'm just not that hot and I don't want to..." Astrid said lying through her teeth, but she knew it wouldn't work. Hiccup could read her like an open book. He sighed and put a hand on her shoulder,

"Says the girl who's sweating out of her shirt. Admit it you're hot and not in a good way..." Astrid sighed and looked at Hiccup. She smiled and pecked him on the cheek, but before he could respond Astrid had mounted her dragon and flown to her hut. She was distracting him! Hiccup sighed and looked at her hut,

"So that's how you want to play it, Hofferson..."


Astrid ran into her hut, she was panting hard and sighed once she was safely inside her hut. She quickly shut the door and lay on her bed.

She was still hot but still refused to take off any of her armor, even though no one was there to see her. Astrid sighed and stood up looking at the small mirror beside her bed, she slowly removed her shoulder pads to reveal a blue dragon tattooed onto her shoulder and was only just small enough to be covered by her armor. She looked at it intently, Gobber really did a wonderful job. The tattoo was the sharp class symbol and was blue to represent Stormfly's colour. But that tattoo wasn't the only one.

Astrid looked over to her left shoulder and carefully pulled away her shirt to reveal another tattoo. This one was special to Astrid and she loved it so much, it was a symbol for the strike class, with the red half of Toothless' tail as well, but it had two words written above and below the symbol. Two names. The one below read 'Astrid' but the other read, 'Hiccup' and to Astrid that meant the world to her, but she still couldn't believe Gobber was okay with doing this. She did feel awkward asking for it but she needed something to remind her of him and if this was the only way, so be it. But Astrid and Hiccup weren't a couple yet and neither of them wanted to ruin their friendship with the other and were both afraid of rejection.

Meanwhile Hiccup was running up to Astrid's hut, if she was hiding something he knew she would show him. They were best friends and Hiccup was trying his best to keep it that way. Of course he would much rather be the caring boyfriend instead of the over protective friend! But Hiccup knew Astrid wasn't into him and yet he still liked her, no, he loved her. He just hoped she would feel at least something for him.

Hiccup knocked on the door and heard a faint 'come in' before he let himself in. As he entered Astrid's hut he saw her sat on the side of her bed facing the door (like in Buffalord Solider) but she looked fed up,

"Astrid? Are you alright?" Hiccup slowly approached Astrid and neared her bed,

"Yeah... No, Hiccup I need to talk to you..." Hiccup's eyes widened. He was sat beside Astrid on her bed and she turned to face him, hands on her knees.  Hiccup felt his heart race and his mouth run dry,

"Astrid... You can tell me anything. So what's up?" He sounded more confident than he was. Astrid sighed before she spoke,

"I wanted to say... I wanted tell you... That I... I..." Hiccup kept staring deeper into her eyes as she stuttered over her words. He thought it was cute, it reminded him of the time when he would stutter every time he tried to speak to Astrid,


"It's better to show you..." Astrid nervously turned around and pulled her shirt away from her shoulder to reveal the night fury symbol with their names. Hiccup gasped and grabbed Astrid's shoulders, turn in her back towards him.

"You got a tattoo!?" Astrid nodded a little bit more prouder. Hiccup sighed and looked deep into her eyes, "I love it..." Astrid's smile grew wider, Hiccup approved!

Hiccup placed his hand behind her neck and leaned in close for a kiss, Astrid's heart was beating uncontrollably but she loved it all the same. The kiss was only quick and after they drew away Hiccup rose and walked to the door,

"You coming, M'lady?" Astrid smiled and shrugged,

"Not yet, babe. Maybe later..." Hiccup smiled at her response,

"Babe? I like it... I could get used to it."

I'M BACK!!!!!

Sorry this chapter might not be as gods as the others were but anyway, got back from camp this morning and feeling extremely tired... I used the last of my draining energy to write this chapter for you lovely lot! I love you guys SO much!!!!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and there will be more on the way, I am currently writing 3 more and will be up in the next week or so!!!! Happy Hiccstriding😝😝😝!!!!

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