Love Is Weakness

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A/N: Okay so I was watching the Sorcerer's Apprentice and I realized that both Hiccup AND Viggo appeared in it and I was, like "WHAT!!!!!! THIS IS SO AWESOME!!!" So I recommend you watch it and I thought I would use some of the lines in the movie in this one - shot. Also I put this HTTYD version of the trailer in here so you could hear the voices and relate them to the movie like I was during the entire film! And the photo is what I am basing this one shot on, ENJOY!!! (P.S. Everything in bold will be a line from the movie!!)

It was an early morning on the Edge and, as usual, Astrid was out for a flight on Stormfly. She and her dragon were enjoying the sunrise and took in the fresh air,

"Ahhh, this is nice girl..." Her dragon gave a light squawk and looked at the smile appearing her rider's face,

"I hope not too nice, we were supposed to meet up." Astrid jumped and noticed Hiccup flying up alongside her. She sighed and motioned Stormfly closer, once she was close enough she gave Hiccup a hard punch on the shoulder,

"That's for scaring me!" Hiccup smiled whilst rubbing his arm, "I'm sorry. I forgot, you know Stormfly and I can't resist the morning sunrise!" Hiccup sighed and looked at the sunrise with her,

"It is beautiful, isn't it..." Astrid looked at the boy then the horizon,

"Yeah... Wait!" Astrid searched her saddlebag for her spyglass. Once in her hand she placed it on her eyes and looked out at the horizon,

"What? What is it?!" There on the horizon was a dragon hunter ship, and it was headed straight for the edge as fast as a Gronckle on granite. Hiccup looked at Astrid worriedly as she drew the spyglass away from her eye,

"Not good news... Dragon Hunters." Hiccup tightened his grip on Toothless' saddle making his dragon weary,

"Viggo?" Astrid shrugged. "Let's go!" Astrid watched Hiccup dash away and quickly followed in pursuit. Once she had caught up she cut him off,

"Hiccup, stop! Think about what you're doing. This isn't you! You can't go in there and expect to win this fight, and that's probably what Viggo wants us to do."

"You think this is a trap?" Astrid shrugged and pointed at the lonely ship,

"Look. One lone ship. Don't you think that's slightly suspicious?" Hiccup shrugged,

"I guess..." Astrid flew back next to hiccup,

"Come on. Let's get back to the edge and set up our defences." Hiccup looked at the ship once more before muttering,

"Have you ever worked on your defences, Astrid?"

"Heard that!" Hiccup froze and turned Toothless around, if it gets too close. Then we strike.


Astrid arrived back at the clubhouse to find everyone already there. Hiccup landed soon after me and seemed cool and calm as always,

"Hey guys! What are you doing up so early?" Heather crossed her arms and gave Astrid a smirk whilst gesturing Hiccup with her eyes. Astrid just looked away and rubbed her arm nervously,

"His moral compass doesn't exactly point North, does it?" Astrid giggled which confused Hiccup even more,

"What are you saying?" Heather stood and walked over to him,

"I'm saying that I don't think you're on our side." Astrid held up her hands and pushed Heather away,

"Woah! Where is this coming from?!" Heather pointed at the note on the table and both Hiccup and Astrid rushed over to read it,

Hiccstrid One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now