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Been a while since I've updated this book but I still manage to get a load of notifications and I'm constantly like "What?!" But anyway I hope you guys like this one as I'm sure most of you will have started your own ideas on this.

Season 5 Episode 1 Expectation (my view)

Hiccup gazed into Astrid's eyes as their hands entwined as the gang and them flew a final lap around the island. But their flight was soon interrupted by a loud blast and a sudden burst of hot air that shot from the volcano behind them. Hiccup turned his head and saw the disaster behind them, he let go of Astrid's hand and turned to the gang.

"Guys!!" The gang stopped and looked at the damage being caused by the erupting volcano. "We have to get back to the island and stop that eruption, Fishlegs can you do that?!" Fishlegs sheepishly nodded and clenched the baby Eruptidon in his arms.

"Hiccup, we need to get all the dragons off of the island!" Astrid yelled and looked at Hiccup worriedly. Hiccup nodded in response and led the rest of the gang back to the island.

"Hey Hiccup, can I ask a stupid question." Tuffnut asked.

"Of course you can, better than anyone we know!" Ruffnut answered in response. Hiccup smiled quietly to himself at that.

"How exactly do you plan on getting the dragons off the island? It's not like they can understand us anyway." Tuffnut stated, this earned a glare from Astrid who was riding beside him.

"Tuff, we are in the presence of the one Hiccup Haddock. I'm sure he has a plan..." Ruffnut said back and gestured to Hiccup with pride in her voice.

"Actually Tuff, I... Have no idea..." Ruff's face fell at Hiccups answer. Astrid sighed and face palmed at Hiccup.

"We'll figure something out, Hiccup. I promise." Astrid looked at Hiccup lovingly and he exchanged the same look. Astrid smiled and turned back to the island which was now getting extremely closer.

"Remember, round up as many dragons as you can and get them off the island in anyway you can!" Hiccup yelled as he began to dive onto the island below. Astrid nodded to him and went off in another direction to round up some dragons.


Ruff and Tuff landed in a clearing where a few Nadders were happily eating a bush of dragon nip, completely unaware of the exploding volcano and oncoming lava that was beginning its descent down the mountain. The twins approached the Nadders carefully but stopped suddenly.

"What was it we were supposed to be doing?" Ruff asked stupidly. Tuff looked at his sister with a similar expression of confusion on his face.

"I think it was something like," He then does his best Hiccup impression, "We need to get the dragons off the island in any way we can!" Ruff laughed at Tuff and then put on a serious face.

"Oh wait. How do we do that exactly?" Ruff asks, this caused a sly smirk to appear on Tuffs face. He turned to Ruff and gave her a look that only she knew, and Ruff nodded in response.


Hiccup landed beside a flock of Terrible Terrors and Astrid trailed on behind him.

"So what's your plan?" Astrid asked, Hiccup furrowed his brows at the question but didn't turn to Astrid. "You don't have one do you?" Astrid finally asked.

"Not entirely true. I have a plan, just not a very good one." Hiccup tried to say,

"Uh huh," Astrid replied in a bland tone.

"And it's not safe."


"And most likely not gonna work."

"Most definitely."

"Why can you never be more supportive?" Hiccup protested at Astrid who was smiling brightly at him. Hiccup gave Astrid an exasperated look.

"Because when I am supportive, it gets you in trouble." Astrid answered. Hiccup sighed and held Astrid's hand in his,

"We'll be alright Astrid. Nothing bad is gonna happen, I promise." Hiccup replied in a gently tone and leaned closer to Astrid. They were now so close that Hiccup could feel Astrid's breath in his skin, he leaned towards her lips--


The couple jumped apart and saw a huge cloud of smoke forming a little ways away from them, but because of this the Terrible Terrors and Nadders fled the island.

"Well, that's not how I would have done it but there we go." Hiccup announced and re-mounted Toothless, with Astrid following behind on Stormfly and then they headed into the air.

"That's was probably the twins?" Astrid announced as they searched the area near them, from which the explosion came from. "I'll bet money that's the twins." Suddenly there was a loud feminine scream from below the couple. Hiccup and Astrid exchanged a glance of surprise at each other before they dove down towards the sound.

When they landed they saw Tuffnut running around screaming with a Terrible Terror clutching his head. Ruffnut, in the other hand, was rolling around laughing at the scene.

Hiccup sighed at their idiocy and walked over to Tuffnut and tried to pry the dragon off of his face. But to no effect as he fell back due to the effort. This caused Astrid to burst out laughing along with Ruff who was still rolling on the ground giggling.

"Okay. Toothless, do your thing." Hiccup said and Toothless waddled over to Tuff and slapped the Terror off of Tuffs face with his tail. But this caused Tuff to fly back and whack himself against a tree.

"Oh, I am hurt!" Tuff yelled, "I am very much hurt!" Then he passed out. Hiccup sighed in exasperation.

"I hope you're doing okay up there Fishlegs..."


Fishlegs gently placed the baby Eruptidon on the volcano and guarded him along with Meatlug. Fishlegs looked out over the Edge and felt butterflies forming in his stomach, they may lose the Edge. Could they all get hurt? What if they couldn't they not get all the dragons off the island in time? What if the baby Eruptidon couldn't hold the lava back?

Fishlegs looked at the island and took a long sigh. He hoped that these doubts would slip away and he would feel better soon.

"That's it girl, you protect him. And I'll-I'll protect you..." Fishlegs puffed out his chest and looked at the volcano that rumbled the island.

The Eruptidon was carefully chewing the lava and tried to stop the flow of lava from causing any more damage but after a while the volcano began to destabilise and calm down the anger filled volcano.

Hiccup and the rest of the gang soon arrived and, much to Fishlegs relief, had successfully got all the dragons off of the island.

"Fishlegs, how's the Eruptidon doing?" Hiccup asked worriedly. Fishlegs looked at Meatlug and smiled,

"He's managed to stabilise the volcano but it will mean that we have to keep him here for the volcano to stay this way." Hiccup sighed as he knew Fishlegs was right. But the Eruptidon couldn't stay here forever. What could they do?!

Dun dun dun!!!!

I'm leaving it there and there's not gonna be a part 2!! Just saying! I have s lot of works being written and I am struggling to find time to write them at the moment so be patient for next chapter!!

Love y'all

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