New Parents - Request

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Sorry that it took me so long, and I mean so long, to write this but I couldn't get a good enough angle/idea on how to approach this request. So shout out to dragonlover96785 for asking for this one shot and again, I apologise for how late I have left this!

"Yeah! Way to go Stormfly!" Astrid shouted for joy as she finished her tricks in their competition at the edge. She came back and landed beside Hiccup and Toothless, she then dismounted and looked at the duo with a devious smile praying on her lips.

"Care to try, Haddock?" Hiccup smiled at Astrid's challenge.

"Excuse me," Snotlout interuppted "but it's my turn." He smiled showing off his muscles, which made Astrid gag. Hiccup groaned.

"Actually--" Fishlegs piped up.

"No. It is me!" Snotlout retorted. Hiccup sighed once again at the two.

"Will one of you just go already!" Hiccup exclaimed, and at that Snotlout shot off on Hookfang and into the sunset. They flew around like manacles and like hooligans until they finally landed.

"I'm alive? I'm alive!" Snotlout raved. But then he noticed the stares he was earning from the rest of the gang. "I mean, of course I am." Astrid and Hiccup groaned in unison. But then as hiccup looked towards where the twins were, Hiccup frowned.

"Hey, has anyone seen the twins?" Hiccup asked. Every responded with vacant, innocent stares. All avoiding Hiccup's eyes, even Astrid who just shrugged. "Ugh! Come on then."

"Hiccup?" Astrid was looking up at the sky and in the early morning sun and had noticed a familiar Zippleback heading towards their location. Hiccup let out a sigh of relief. It was the twins.

"Hey, guys! You'll never guess what we found!" Tuffnut shouted down to the gang, before they turned and headed back towards the location from whence they came. 

The gang quietly followed behind the two, who were bickering about who was going to tell them about the awesome thing that they found, Hiccup just groaned and thought back to the time when they showed them the 'Namey Rock' as they called it.

The gang finally arrived at a  beach on the far side of the island and looked at a small boat wreck beside the sea. Hiccup hopped off of Toothless and walked over to the twins who were stood beside the wreck. They then turned to the gang and spoke.

"Behold, the child of the ages! A new bearer of the Nut family tree!" Ruffnut then reached into the wreck and pulled out a bundle of rags. She then turned it around to face the gang and wrapped up in these rags was a little baby. Asleep, thankfully. Astrid then hurried over to Ruffnut and stole the bundle off of her.

"You two have certainly no right to be caring for this baby. I for one would like to see it grow up past its second day." Astrid objected, clutching the baby tighter against her chest. She then looked down at the baby in the bundle. She'd never seen anything more beautiful in her life, this baby had a clean slate of life. So innocent, so pure. She was not going to leave this baby with the twins, that was for sure.

"Err... But who's going to look after it?" Hiccup queried. Astrid looked at the baby and peered closely at its closed eyes.

"I will." Astrid stated. Hiccup looked at her with shock.

"What?" Hiccup walked over to her, his hand reached for her shoulder. But Astrid din't notice his hand upon her shoulder as she stared at the bundle in her arms.

"I said, I will..." Astrid smiled. Hiccup sighed in defeat, it was no use in trying to get her to change her mind. Once her mind was set on something, there was no changing it.

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