Truth or Dare Part 2

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Okay after a request by o0XMyFadedScarsX0o I decided to make another Truth or Dare one-shot, Enjoy!!!! Also this comes after the last Truth or Dare one-shot so Hiccup and Astrid are already a couple...

Hiccup's POV:

A storm began to make it's way to Berk and the icy wind sent chills up even the toughest viking's spines. I was in the Great Hall with Astrid and Toothless, we were sat huddled against Toothless who was sleeping peacefully despite the raging storm outside,

"I could stay like this all day..." I nuzzled my head onto her head and smelt her hair. It was as sweet as the forest and as fresh as the air, I could smell it all day. Astrid buried her face into my chest as she spoke,

"But why does everyone have to ruin our time together?" Just as she said that all the teens approached us and I couldn't help but feel a little bit awkward,

"Well, well, well. Lookie here... I think we've caught the happy couple in quite the situation?!" I face palmed and gave a heavy sigh,

"What do you guys want?" They all smiled at each other then at us,

"Truth or Dare... Wanna play?" I sighed and then looked at Astrid who had raised her head off of my chest,

"Sure I mean... What else can we do whilst we're in here?" She had a point but I couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed that she didn't want to spend time with me all that often. But to be honest she was really good friends with Heather and I don't know how long she's going to stay with us, "Hiccup? You coming?" I shook my head then gave her a smirk,

"No thanks, I think I'll just stay here. With Toothless..." I really didn't want to play Truth or Dare again, it's just not my thing.

"Alright then... If you change your mind you know where I'll be." I nodded and watched her walk towards the rest of the teens who were all sat in a circle. I couldn't help but feel bad that I wasn't with her but instead I got out my notebook and began to draw...

Astrid's POV:

I sat down next to Heather, I felt bad about leaving Hiccup but I wanted to spend as much time with Heather as possible after all, she can't stay here forever. I looked back at Hiccup to see him deeply involved with his notebook, he was drawing something that he cared about as his face lit up with every line he drew. I turned back to the group as the first question was asked,

"Okay, Snotlout. Truth or Dare?" He scoffed at Ruffnut who had asked him rather irritably,

"I think I'll go with Dare..." Ruff looked at her brother and nodded,

"I dare you to convince a girl to kiss you, without getting punched in the face first..." Snotlout stood up with confidence,

"Easy... You know that the ladies can't resist the 'Snotman'!" Me and Heather gagged as he said that. Tuffnut then laid down the law before he could walk away,

"Remember, you can't kiss her. She has to kiss you..." Snotlout sighed and walked off towards a group of vikings,

"Do you think Snotlout will get punched?" Ruffnut asked us,

"Sister I hate to say this, but I always knew that Snotlout would end up being collateral damage!" We all laughed. (I know I may not have used 'collateral' in the right way but who cares?!) We all watched closely as Snotlout began talking to a girl that was about 3 years younger than him, and it was only a matter of seconds before a big fist landed upon his face,

"OWWWWW!!! WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR!! Hang on I gotta...." He then collapsed to the floor before being carried away by his father. He didn't look happy. Heather then brought our attention back to the game,

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