Memories - Request

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Request by: LadyHiccup

"Show them no mercy!!"'Viggo yelled from the ship below them. The dragon riders continued to blast the ships despite the heavy artillery being fired at them.

"Hiccup! Look out!!" Astrid yelled out to the Night Fury rider who immediately turned around to face his warner. He saw the look of panic on her face before he turned to face the real danger. An arrow was headed straight for him and Toothless and there was nothing he could do.

"HICCUP!!!" Astrid screamed. Hiccup widened his eyes as a familiar blue figure shot past and made the arrow disappear. Hiccup watched as the figure fell to the sea, screaming. Hiccup suddenly saw the figures face and it made his heart drop.

"Astrid!!!" Hiccup screamed as he watched the blonde fall towards the sea. His heart stopped as he and Toothless dove down to save her. But they were too late.

Astrid's body smashed into the sea and began its descent to the bottom of the sea. The girl tried to hold onto her breath as long as she could, her body punching and pushing the water around her. Soon a strong current swept her backwards and smashed her into a large boulder behind her. Her head bleeding and her mind unconscious, she continued her descent down to the ocean floor.


"Astrid!" A muffled voice was heard out of the darkness pulling Astrid back to reality and to the worried riders that surrounded her. She was back in her hut, not that it was the same to her now.

"What? What happened?" Astrid placed a hand on her head in order to stop the pain of her migraine and was instantly pulled into a hug by unfamiliar arms.

"Thank god you're okay..." Hiccup breathed into her shoulder. Astrid tensed and pushed Hiccup off of her slowly, careful not to hurt him.

"I said 'what happened'?!" Astrid asked again, more viciously. Hiccup and the rest of the gang seemed taken aback at her sudden outburst.

"You really don't remember?" Astrid shook her head at Heather's question. This earned multiple confused glances.

"You hit your head on a boulder beneath the sea and almost drowned." Fishlegs answered. Astrid stared at her hands and wiggled her fingers. She looked at them intently, then she spoke.

"One more question..."

"Anything." Hiccup said.

"Who am I?" Fishlegs and Hiccup exchanged a look of shock and quietly exited the room leaving Astrid alone with Heather, Snotlout and the twins. Probably not the best idea.

"How could this have happened?" Hiccup asked, Fishlegs shared the same expression of utter confusion on his face.

"I-I don't k-know..." Fishlegs answered. He looked at Hiccup worriedly, "But I have heard that recreating a memory that the person has had can bring back their memories. Maybe we could try that?" Fishlegs suggested. Hiccup nodded in agreement,

"Alright. I guess it's worth a shot." Hiccup shrugged and re-entered the room with Fishlegs tailing behind him.

"... And that's Hiccup and behind him is Fishlegs." Heather was explaining everything to Astrid about who they all were. Hiccup sighed as he watched Astrid look around the room curiously and fearfully, to her they were just strangers. But to the gang, she was their best friend who had no idea on who she was.


Later that night, Hiccup was in the Clubhouse and looking at his map that he'd started a couple of months ago with Toothless and Astrid had helped him from time to time. Speaking of Astrid,

"Hey," Hiccup looked up to see the blonde standing staring at him questioningly. "You're Hiccup right?" Hiccup nodded.

"That I am. What do you want?" Hiccup asked politely. But Hiccup was too frustrated to talk casually to someone, so his answer seemed strained.

"Hey!" Astrid spoke up, startling Hiccup. "You think I am okay with being like this?! I hate not knowing who you all are as much as you do. So stop moping about and help me get them back." Astrid finished with a final puff, her chest expanded and shrank with every breath and she seemed tense. Almost scared of the boy in front of her.

"Do you remember anything about me, anything at all?" Hiccup finally asked after about a minute or two of silence. But Astrid stared at him intently, unsure of how to respond.

"I-I don't... Know." She replied hesitantly. She was lying. She knew that her memory was trying to tell her that this boy was important to her, but she didn't know why. She couldn't understand why her palms were becoming sweaty and her heart was racing faster than a Night Fury. All she knew was that this was happening because of him. Because of Hiccup.

"Come on." Hiccup said and grabbed Astrid hand, pulling her towards Toothless. Hiccup mounted his Night Fury friend and held a hand out to Astrid in order for her to climb on. She tossed it out of her way, (like in httyd 1 when she first mounted Toothless) and climbed on his back carefully by herself.

"Where are we going?" Astrid asked as she wrapped her arms around Hiccups waist, this made Hiccup sigh with content.

"Something to help jog your memory..." Hiccup replied. With that the Night Fury and young couple took off into the night sky. Hiccup smiled as Astrids arms wrapped around him tighter. Toothless looked up at the two riders and smiled, he then flew high up into the sky above the clouds. Hiccup looked up and saw the beautiful Aurora Borealis floating above them.

Astrid looked at the night sky in awe and watched the sky glow in multiple colours. Something then twitched in her mind and suddenly everything came back to her. The northern light glinted into her head and unlocked her lost memories and Astrid watched as they began bursting at the seams. She shook her head in order to organize her memories and thoughts, then she looked at the boy sat in front of her. Her arms pulled him closer and she rested her head upon his shoulder,

"Thank you, Hiccup..." Astrid said. This made Hiccup smile, but he didn't expect what happened next. Astrid placed a sweet kiss upon his cheek and left a warm sensation on his cheek. Hiccup gulped but then turned to look at Astrid.

"You got your memory back?!" Hiccup asked. Astrid nodded and hugged Hiccup closer.

"But let's carry on enjoying the flight..." Hiccup sighed at Astrids response and smiled at the surrounding northern lights.


It's been a while since I've updated this but I have been recently watching Teen Wolf and I only started watching it because of Dylan O'Brien. I am such a dork! But anyway...

7 DAYS UNTIL RTTE!!!! AAAHHHH! I am soooo excited!!! I can't wait! I keep on wanting it to be the next day which is really confusing me!!! But I hope you guys liked this episode. I WILL TRY AND UPDATE BEFORE THE NEXT SEASON COMES OUT!! But I can't make any promises...

Love y'all!!!

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