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Prompt by: @KylieDiss

Hi I really love your work and was wondering if you can do a one shot set in rtte basically the gang was saying talking about there past and astrid brought up hiccup being bullied and how none of them liked him and hiccup hear this and goes in isolation from everyone and becomes really depressed and the only form of communication that he does is writing terror mails to only heather since she hasn't witnessed his bullying.

It was a peaceful evening. Everything was still, and it finally seemed as though things were calming down. For the most part, they hadn't seen action in a few days, and it was starting to feel a little too quiet. But considering how hectic their lives could be day to day, the lull in their war was a welcome break.

The clubhouse was infused with orange light from the soft, glowing flames of the fire that served as both their light source and heater. It wasn't a particularly cold night, but the heat from the flames warmed everyone in the chilly night air that was beginning to roll over The Edge.

"Can you guys remember the first time we all met?" Fishlegs asked curiously as he stared into the licking flames of the fire. The dancing lights flickered across his eyes, and Astrid was confused by his sudden recollection.

"Where is this coming from, Fishlegs?" Astrid asked, puzzled by the sudden question. She looked at the others curiously, then hovered over the empty chair beside her where Hiccup would normally sit.

Much to her disappointment, Hiccup had opted to spend some time hidden away in his hut for the evening. He had been working on this secret project for the past few weeks, even keeping the whole thing from Astrid. She didn't mind him keeping secrets, but if it came at the expense of his mental health, then she worried.

Yet, she decided to let him have his fun for that night. He could always join them another evening, and she knew what he was like when a flash of inspiration caught him. There was no way she could tear him away from a project like that when it struck.

"Why in Thor's name would I want to remember that, Fishface?" Snotlout snorted, rolling his eyes heavily as he tried to erase the memory that had clearly formed in his head from Fishlegs' words.

"Whatever, Snotlout." Fishlegs shook his head in defeat. "I just got caught in thinking about home. That's all."

"I remember," Astrid announced, turning everyone's attention her way. "You fell into the river and had to walk back to town in just a loin cloth. Right?" The twins snickered to themselves, remembering the incident with Fishlegs's river run-in.

The poor boy was only around seven, but he was ushered through town by his parents wearing nothing but a pair of small cloth pants that covered up the necessities. It wasn't the most shining introduction that Fishlegs could have had to the group, but as they all remembered their first impressions of each other, they soon realised that Fishlegs didn't exactly have it the worst.

"What about you two?" Fishlegs spat at the twins, trying to steer the conversation away from the embarrassing memory about himself.

The twins frowned, their brows furrowing deeply as they looked between each other and then back to Fishlegs. With how absent their brains could be, Astrid found it to be no surprise that they could not recall their first introduction to the gang. Although, Astrid wondered what Fishlegs's first impression of them was, and whether it was the same as Astrid's.

"What are you talking about?" Ruffnut shrugged, holding her chin up defiantly as though she had nothing to be embarrassed about. It made Astrid wonder for a moment whether either twin could be embarrassed about anything. "We've always been shining examples of the Hooligan tribe."

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