New Haircut

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Summary: Astrid gets a new haircut but doesn't get the reaction she expected...

Astrid was sat in her hut, her hair down and covered in knots. Her face was tear stained and wrinkled in distress. She had her head in her hands and was buried in her thoughts. Heather walked into her supposedly abandoned hut, she was astonished to find the blondes crumpled up over her desk. Astrid raised her head and smiled when she saw who it was,

"Heather. Thank Thor!" Heather was still star struck from her state. Her hair was like a rainforest for lice and her face looked like it was sliced by a Razorwhip. Heather placed a hand upon Astrid's shoulder,

"What happened to you? You look terrible..." Astrid sighed as she rolled her eyes at the reflection of Heather in the mirror,

"Thanks. That was just the pick/me-up I needed, how've you been girl?" Heather laughed and buried her head in her hand irritably,

"With your hair." Astrid breathed out a sigh of desperation, as she picked up strands of her hair. Astrid looked at herself in the mirror and collapsed once more into the table. Heather placed a hand upon Astrid's back cautiously,

"I'm a mess..." Heather smiled,

"Not if you let me help..." Astrid looked up into the mirror,

"How exactly?"


The gang were all gathered in the Clubhouse, they were awaiting Astrid and Heather. They had never usually been late, but since there was no breakfast for them this morning, the gang were worried. Hiccup was staring at a map, paying no attention to the motionless world around him.

Snotlout was sat leaning against the wall, helmet over his eyes. He still needed his beauty sleep after all and if he was waiting, the perfect time was now. The twins were ramming their heads together, but to what end? That's a question for the gods. Fishlegs saw Astrid exiting her hut and gasped,

"Oh Thor!" Snotlout jolted awake and looked over into Fishlegs direction,

"What are you gawping at Fishface?" All Fishlegs managed to do was point at the elegant blonde that was headed for them.

Astrid's hair was now in a new twisting brains that lay over her shoulders, she then had a delicate braid that ran above her bangs. She kept the headband on nevertheless but she still looked like a goddess.

The two girls entered the clubhouse together. Astrid stood beside Heather nervously,

"Hey, guys..." Fishlegs' mouth was dry, the twins were speechless. But hey! There was still Snotlout, who managed to ruin every beautiful moment,

"Astrid, wow! You'd make--" Astrid held her hands up, Snotlout paused immediately,

"Let me stop you right there." Astrid gagged. She sighed and walked up to Hiccup who, to no ones surprise, was still engulfed in his own world,

Hiccup looked up for a split second to look at the blonde that stood beside him,

"Hey Astrid. Thought you'd be out for a flight..." Astrid's heart sank. She tried again,

"I would be, but I was doing my hair..." Hiccup shrugged. Astrid's heart was heavy with anger. All of this, for nothing! Heather shook her head in pity,

"Oh Hiccup..." She whispered. Heather watched as Astrid stormed out if the Clubhouse. Hiccup turned to the gang,

"What?" Heather sighed and gestured her head towards where Astrid had stormed out,

"Hiccup, she changed her hair... For you..." Hiccups eyes widened. He stared out if the door and sighed. He face palmed, shaking his head softly. Why did he keep doing this to Astrid? He was so oblivious, he didn't even notice!

"I'll go talk to her." Heather walked over to the table and sat to eat her breakfast before mumbling under her breath,

"The damage is already done..." Hiccup sighed and walked out of the Clubhouse in search for Toothless.


"UGH!" Astrid yelled as another axe was firmly lodged into a nearby tree. Her anger took over her body like a virus and made her blood boil a thousand degrees. She grunted as she tried to dislodge her axe from the tree,

"What is wrong with me?! Thinking that he would notice me?! Even just a little? I'm just his friend! Why did I think otherwise?" Astrid eventually pulled her axe out of the tree, causing her to topple over from the effort. She had had enough! If he didn't want her, then she couldn't be near him! Astrid prepared to throw her axe once more at a tree, when she heard a twig snap from behind her. She spun around to find the culprit,

"So this is where you go for your anger management?" Astrid groaned. It was just Hiccup. Normally she would relax now that he was around, but today...

"What do you want, Hiccup?" Hiccup sighed and tried stepping closer, but instead, Astrid stepped back. Hiccup looked down at the ground in shame,

"Look, I don't know what to tell you Astrid?" Astrid rolled her eyes,

"Of course you don't." Astrid mumbled,

"Astrid, please! I can't live like this anymore. This thing between us." Astrid's eyes perked up. There was a 'thing' between them? "I'm slowly dying everyday that I wake up knowing that we're just friends. But I... I don't want that anymore! I want you to be by my side everyday, because I... I... I love you, Astrid. I always have, and I hope I always will..." Astrid frowned. She cautiously stepped closer as she spoke. Hiccup copied,

"What's that supposed to mean, 'I hope I always will'?" The two were now inches apart and had finally stopped. Their bodies were almost touching but the sensation of Hiccup's breath on Astrid's skin made her heart soar,

"It means... Do you love me too?" Astrid smiled,

"Of course I do! You don't think I would've changed my hair for nothing?" Hiccup chuckled. He wrapped his arms around Astrid's waist and leaned in closer,

"Probably not..." But to Astrid's surprise, no kiss came. Hiccup pulled away and grabbed Astrid's hand, "Come on. We should be getting back..." Astrid smiled,

"What about that kiss?" Hiccup smiled back at Astrid,

"You'll have to earn it..."

DONE! (Finally)

So sorry for the late update guys, I've been super busy with my Instagram, Holiday and School! I have to go back tomoz! Ugh! Anyway I hope you guys liked this one and I hope it doesn't seem rushed.

By the way have you guys looked on Berk's Grapevine. According to them, there is gonna be a seaon 5 of race to the edge. I hope that Hiccup and Astrid will get together in season 4 and they won't make us wait until season 5! We've already had to wait 18 months for you to bring out season 3, which then ended on a cliffhanger!

Anyway I'll stop my rambling, oh and I have also now released a YouTube channel called 'KirstenFuryLover' and I'll be making spoofs, music vids and etc. so be sure to check it out (I need the views)! Thank you gouys so much for following me and voting for my work. Love you all so much!!!!

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