Birthday Wish

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A/N: Sorry not updated in a while, been busy with exams and stuff but you probably don't want to hear about that. I've been struggling for ideas so as always just give me a scenario and I will write it (I'm desperate now!)... Anyway this one - shot takes place when they were 16 and btw Hiccup and Astrid are already dating in this one (Shaking things up a bit here!)

Astrid's POV:

The sun rose pleasantly over the horizon and brought light to a new day, I could feel a warm breeze flow through my window. I sighed, today was going to a great birthday. Suddenly I felt something hard slam onto my forehead and made me sit up with a start,

"Ow!" I rubbed my head. Whoever threw that was gonna pay... Wait why am I asking, bet it was Snotlout, no wait. "Tuffnut! Ugghh! When I get my hands on him"

"Nope, just me m'lady!" Oh, I sighed. It's just Hiccup...

Ever since we started dating everything in my life just seemed to fall into place and I am finally happy with my life. But since it's my birthday I assume he has an amazing birthday for me.

"Hiccup, what are you doing here? And so early?" He smiled that seductive smile that always makes me smile back. His eyes shone into my room illuminating it so brightly I could barely see.

"Come on, birthday girl! I have something to show you..." Before I knew it he had jumped into my room grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the window and into the village centre.

"Ughh... Hiccup why are we out here?!" I then saw a huge archway with my name on a banner stung across it. The archway had branches of all kinds and colours woven into it and my favourite kind of flowers growing from each of the branches. At the other side of the archway was a big pile of presents and a huge cake. That had my name written all over it! Suddenly I realized I wasn't properly dressed. I hadn't got my shoulder armor nor my headband on. I was a complete mess.

"Hiccup! I'm not dressed for th..." I whispered to him but he shoved my shoulder pads and headband in front of me. Awww... He knows me so well.

***Time Skip***

Hiccup's POV:

Today was so stressful but as I looked at the horizon I saw the sun starting to set. I grabbed Astrid and dragged her onto Toothless,

"Hiccup! What are you doing" I looked at her as she tucked her bangs behind her ears,

"Back in time..." With that Toothless shot up into the sky and burst through the cloud barrier and helped me re-create the first time Astrid ever rode Toothless. But this time Astrid held me closer. I started getting nervous, she never gets this close to me in public. She couldn't possibly love me this much! We watched as the sun set on the horizon and I guided Toothless into the cove. There was one more surprise I had for Astrid. I helped her off of Toothless and led her towards the broken tree in the corner of the cove.

"Hiccup, where are you taking me?" I kept quiet and carried on leading her to the tree. Once we arrived there, after endless struggles from a tired Astrid, I watched as Astrid gasped for air at what she saw. There on a rock formation in the middle of the tree was a necklace on a pedastal. The necklace had two shapes carved into it, one was a Nadder and the other a Night Fury. Astrid carefully strode towards it and stared at the note that lay beside it, 'I love you, Astrid... Today and always!' I could feel myself cringe as she read it but I suddenly felt her lips crashed into mine for a mere second before she said the words I had always wanted to hear,

"I love you too, Hiccup..."

That's today's one-shot and sorry it is actually rather short but I am actually struggling for ideas so help me out please... Found out that there is 40 days until season 3 of RTTE and I am soooo excited!!!! I have my fingers crossed that there will be a huge Hiccstrid scene to kick off their relationship! I was also thinking about doing a book series about Hiccup and Astrid and just wondering whether to do it in modern times or HTTYD times? So can you guys help me out, what would you want to read?

Hope you enjoyed!!!

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