It Should Be Me

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Astrid's dating Eret but can't help but see Hiccups face and he thinks that it should be him instead of Eret. But will they tell each other how they feel?

Just a lite bio about the chapter for you and strap yourselves in, because this is gonna be a long one!

Astrid's POV:

Eret had walked me up to my door and I smiled at him as he waved goodbye. I turned to my door and placed the key in the lock. I slowly turned around once more to watched Eret go but them as I looked to where Eret was I suddenly saw Hiccups face, on Eret body. I blinked quickly. I hastily opened my door and dashed inside, and as I got inside I slammed the door. I quickly rubbed my eyes,

"What was that?!" I asked myself. Unknown to me, my father appeared at the hallway entrance beside me. He smiled as he noticed me struggling to understand my own mind by the door.

"You alright," I bolted to the wall and slammed my head. He just laughed, "Where were you going?" I sighed.

"You just scared me that's all." I got up off the ground as I answered. "What did you want?" My dad sighed.

"Alright. Why did you give that boy a look as though he'd just come down from space?" I laughed at his question. I then scratched the back of my neck, but not they way Hiccup does it. He looks so cute when he does it. I instantly stopped. Where did that come from?

"Well, dad... Err... I saw something. It was something weird, when I looked back at him. I saw..." Should I tell him? What would he think if me?

"It's fine. You can tell me." He placed a hand upon my shoulder. "I won't judge, promise." I sighed. Okay, that let me calm down. Slightly.

"I saw Hiccups face." My dads face went from stem to soft. He smiled widely.

"Really?" As he spoke it sounded as though he wanted to laugh. He probably did for all I knew.

"I'm going to bed." I announced and left my father with his hand hovering in mid air and standing lonely in the hallway.

I opened my door to my room, I took in a deep breath and smelt the familiar smell of posters and musk. My favourite. Oh by the way, me right here. Yeah? Weird. That's me.

I walked over to my bed and collapsed on top of it. Exhaustion took over my body as sleep began to elude me. Before I knew it, I was deep in a dreamless sleep.


Hiccups POV:

I woke up that morning and groaned at the invade sun that leaked into my room, it ruled over the darkness that surrounded me. As it reached me I hauled myself out of my comfortable, warm bed. Wishing I was there right now.

I hobbled down the stairs and joined my father in the kitchen. My mother was by the hob cooking breakfast, I always love my mothers breakfast. She makes the best pancakes in the world.

But after I savoured the last of her delicious pancakes I dashed upstairs to get dressed. I grabbed myself some jeans and a t-shirt. As I struggled to get my jeans on I glanced out of the window and saw a familiar blonde walking along on the sidewalk outside. I blinked in the bright early morning sun, but she disappeared and was instantly replaced by a brunette figure in her place. But I shrugged it off. I am, after all, still waking up. I quickly grabbed my favourite jacket and headed downstairs.

I waved goodbye to my parents and walked out into the bitter morning sun. As I walked down the street I noticed Astrid walking along the road as well. This time I called out to her.

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