Strange Love

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Just a little something I've thought of over the holidays and btw!!! There will be swearing in this one! Just a pre-warning! 😂

Hiccup is the school jock and Astrid is the... Well, she's the school nerd and nobody knows how they got together but they are the dream couple in school.

They never want to be apart and neither do they want to talk to their friends, just each other.

It does often frustrate their friends, and they have often tried to break them up. But it never works. They always believe in each other and tell each other everything.

It was Monday morning and Astrid had arrived at school that day really excited. Her boyfriend had been away for the past week and she couldn't wait to see him. She walked down the corridor towards his locker and saw and auburn haired boy standing in front of the locker, he seemed happy or content. Like a ghost that had finally found peace.

"Hiccup?" The boy turned around and Astrid finally saw those forest green eyes she'd been longing to see for all those weeks.

"Astrid! It's so good to finally see you!" He whipped around and embraced her tight. These weeks hadn't been s boat ride for him either.

"I missed you..." Astrid breathed. She breathed in his familiar smell before she finally broke the hug. Hiccup smiled.

"Me too." He bored his eyes into hers as he spoke. Then the bell rang.


That night Hiccup went to Astrid's house to surprise her even more. He'd brought a bag of clothes for the morning and an overnight bag. Yes, he was planning to spend the night. For the first time.

Hiccup took a deep breath as the door to her house opened, and in the gap stood his divine beauty.

"Hiccup?" She asked "What are you doing here? It's like 9pm. Shouldn't you be with your dad?" Hiccup pushed open the door further and allowed himself to enter.

"He gave me the night off." Hiccup answered. Astrid smiled,

"Dies they mean that you're all mine tonight?" She asked playfully. Hiccup laughed along with her.

"I guess it does." Hiccup said. But at that moment Astrid noticed that he was carrying a bag full of clothes, as well as an overnight bag.

"Wait." She paused, "Ate you planning on staying over?" Hiccup whimpered, which just made Astrid feel sorry for him. She instantly wound her arms around his neck and kissed him.

Hiccup really had missed her. But he'd mostly missed this. The feeling of her lips against his was almost like being kissed by a goddess, and she did look like one too.

That night the young couple lay in Astrid's bed, chatting and laughing but mostly kissing. This was the best night that Astrid had ever ha and she knew that she would sleep well knowing that she would be right beside him and that this relationship really wasn't a dream.


When the couple arrived at school the school bell rang immediately and they both went to their first lessons.

Astrid arrived and the strangest thing happened. Heather and her popular friends asked for her to sit by them. Knowing that there was no other place to sit, she had no choice but to accept.

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