Truth or Dare Part 4

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Okay here is another Truth or Dare and I hope you like it and anyway this will be a hardcore Truth or Dare instead of a Hiccstrid one! I will have loads more dares for the rest of the gang, so enjoy!!!!

It was a cold, winter's night and the gang were stuck in the academy. They had taken shelter in one of the dragon stalls due to it being freezing and snowing outside, but the teens decided that it was a good idea to stay inside until it passes over. Hiccup was at the front trying to teach everyone about how to get a faster speed on their dragons, but he needn't of bothered because trying to get a bunch of 16 year old's to listen is like trying to train a Changewing without getting shot at with burning hot acid,

"... So as you can see, it is easier to fly faster when your dragon is flying with the wind," Hiccup looked at the other teens, "And I'm talking to myself... Again." Hiccup sighed and flopped beside Toothless, the other teens grinned. Hiccup regretted shutting up,

"Okay! Who's up for Truth or Dare!" Everyone but Hiccup agreed and got into a circle. Astrid quietly walked over to Hiccup in order to get him involved,

"Come on Hiccup. It'll be fun, I promise..." Hiccup rolled his eyes and gave her a look that said 'really?' and Astrid sighed, "Look you're either coming and being a good friend or, you can sit here being a loner... So..." Hiccup shrugged. Astrid groaned and walked over to the rest of the teens. Ruffnut sighed,

"Couldn't persuade him, huh?" Astrid raised and eyebrow, but sat down in a slump,

"No..." Tuffnut clapped his hands together, getting everyone's attention,

"Alright, I guess we'll play without Mr. Hiccup." Astrid looked over her shoulder guiltily at Hiccup but he looked rather content to be sat out of this one. She couldn't blame him,

"I'll start! Tuffnut, Truth or Dare?"

"Dare!" Ruffnut thought for a second,

"Okay... I dare you to go outside with no shirt for a minute!" Everyone laughed, Tuffunt stood up and took off his shirt. Then he ran out flailing his arms around as if he was on fire and as he left Ruffnut closed the door,

"Errr... Can he even count that high?" Ruffnut smiled,

"I can't even count that high! But anyway, who's next?"

"Me!" Snotlout held up his arm, "Okay. Fishlegs, Truth or Dare?"

"Errmm.... Truth.." Snotlout thought,

"What's your most embarrassing moment?" Fishlegs' eyes widened and he looked back at the ground twiddling his thumbs,

"I was 7 and it was a couple of days before Snoggletog..."

"Oh no..."

"I went to the cove to wash myself... And well, I didn't realise... Someone was already there..." Evereyone stared,

"No way!!"

"I was half-naked and about to get in... When I hear a scream coming from behind, there... Behind me was a young viking... Fully clothed... And staring at my half-naked body..." Everyone smiled, trying to hold back laughter, "But most embarrassing part was that my top half was covered... Not my bottom... Half..." Suddenly all the teens burst out laughing and began rolling around on the floor. Fishlegs tried to hide into his shoulders and looked really embarrassed now,

"Sorry... Fishlegs... But, you... Have to admit... That is... Pretty funny!!!" Astrid braethed out between laughs. He smiled and then spoke up,

"Alright then, Astrid! Truth or Dare?" Astrid froze. Oh no! She didn't want to go, she knew what he was going to ask her,

"Hey isn't Tuffnut, still outside?" Ruffnut continued laughing and ran to the door, opening it just a crack to try and find her brother. Suddenly a white sheet came bursting through the door, it was half-naked and shivering. Ruffnut grabbed his shirt and chucked it to her brother,

"Cover up, dude. You're offending my eyes." Tuffnut stuck out his tongue and put his shirt back on,

"Astrid! Truth or Dare" She had to play the game. It was only fair,

"Truth..." Fishlegs' eyes dropped, he hoped she'd say dare. But he still had a good truth,

"Why are you still friends with Hiccup, even though you've kissed him twice?" Astrid's eyes widened and she sent Fishlegs a death glare. She glanced over her shoulder to see a peaceful Hiccup, sound asleep with his dragon. She couldn't help but smile, why was she still friends with him?

"I guess, I... I don't know... I just don't want things to be weird between us... I know we've kissed, but that doesn't have to mean anything..." 

"Sure it does!" Ruffnut chimed in, "The real question is, do you want to be more than friends with him?" Astrid looked around nervously then sighed,

"Okay, you can only ask one question." Everyone exchanged glances then all spoke in unison,

"That one!" Astrid gritted her teeth,

"You know what, I don't want to play anymore..." She eagerly staggered to her feet and left the stall into the freezing cold. She slammed the door waking up a certain Night Fury and rider. Hiccup sighed and looked at the gang with one of his death glares,

"Why do you keep doing this?!" The gang just shrugged as they watched the auburn haired boy leave the stall following Astrid,

"Anyway... Who's next?"


"Hey, Astrid! Wait up!" Astrid turned around to find Hiccup running after her,

"Hiccup? What are you doing here? Not that I'm complaining..." Hiccup eventually caught up to her and ran in front of her to stop her from running any further away,

"Look, I just want to talk." Astrid crossed her arms and rested one of her legs so her weight was in one leg,

"Fine," Hiccup smiled and placed a hand upon her shoulder,

"I heard what they asked you... It's okay, you don't want things to be weird. But it doesn't have to be..." Astrid looked into his eyes,


"You tell me how you really feel about me..." Astrid's eyes widened and she shoved his hand off her shoulder, turning away she finally spoke,

"No! I... I don't want you to hate me..." Hiccup sighed,

"I didn't want to do this, but..." Astrid's spirit's brightened and she suddenly became excited, but why? "I'm going to give you an out..." Astrid slowly turned around to face him. Hiccup slowly exhaled whilst staring at the ground,

"Hiccup, I---"

"Astrid, I honestly don't know whether or not you love me. I've played all those precious moments between us time and time again, and I can't help feeling... Was it just out of pity? I mean, I lost my leg and then I lost my dragon, and the last one I lost the Thawfest games. I just don't feel like you love me like I---" Suddenly Astrid smashed onto his, instantly shutting him up. He tried to break away but she kept on pulling him back, "You... You... Love..."

"Just shut up..." To Astrid's surprise after she said that he immediately began kissing back making her fall into heaven and she felt higher than ever before. When they finally pulled away, they didn't feel the cold, they felt. Peace.


I decided to take a break from the main Hiccstrid kiss at the end but I just couldn't help myself... Any who, I hope you found this funny or at least vote worthy and please give me suggestions down below!!!


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