See You Again

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HTTYD Alternate version.

It's been 5 years. 5 years, and he still hasn't come back. Berk has been a lot more empty without Hiccup's presence and everyone knows it. No one has forgotten him, and thanks to his departure it left Stoick in a state. Due to Hiccup's departure Stoick fell into a deep hole of depression and an endless spiral of existential crisis's. He could never recover, and that was when he was unfit to be chief and so the council gave the role to somebody else. Spitelout Jorgenson. Granted he wasn't the best person in the world, but so far he has managed to keep the whole island from crumbling to the ground.

Stoick still resides in his hut, that was the one thing he was allowed to keep, but the man never left his hut. But he wasn't the only one. Astrid Hofferson also stayed within her home on a daily basis, she rarely showed her face. Whenever she did leave the house, it was to go to the cave and think about Hiccup or to go throw her axes at tress. Both of these people couldn't bear Hiccup's absence and who could blame them. He seemed to make everything around him light up, sometimes on fire.

5 years ago, Hiccup shot down a Night Fury, Toothless he called it, he trained it and healed it. They were an unstoppable team, but one problem was that everyone on the island hated dragons and he was about to win the tournament and have to kill a dragon. Astrid had found Toothless and Hiccup, but was worried about him for he was the one that would have to kill that dragon the next day. She'd began falling for him.

When the day finally arrived, Hiccup tried to show the village that they did not have to fight the dragons but could work with them, but things went wrong and he was attacked by that dragon he was supposed to kill. Luckily, Toothless swooped in and saved his life but vikings were approaching them fast. Hiccup did the only thing he could think to do. Run away.

In that moment, everything changed. Hiccup mounted Toothless and flew away, far away, never to be seen again. It was then that everything around Astrid and Stoick's lives began to crumble. They were wounded deeply by Hiccup and couldn't live on without him, no matter how much they would deny it, they needed him. They needed him.

"Screw it." Astrid said as she jumped up from her bed. She'd been thinking about Hiccup and his rapid departure. She had to find him, yes it has been 5 years since he left. But she had to try. Astrid began to run around her room and gather everything she would need for her trip, food, clothes, water. Everything.

It was night and Astrid quietly exited her house and headed for the docks. She had no other options, she had to steal a boat and find him. She had to know where he was, she had to apologise, she had to tell him her feelings. She had to tell him about his father. He needs to know.

Astrid slowly made her way to the docks, sneaking along the shadows and avoiding Spitelout's patrols which she still thought held no purpose. But she guessed they might be useful to him now.

"I have to get to the docks." She whispered to herself. Her eyes darted around the area for any patrols, then she ran from her cover and headed to the docks. She was lucky that no patrols were down here as she found the nearest, fixed boat to her and boarded it quickly, making sure no noise was made. She threw her knapsack down and prepared the boat for the journey.

"Hey!" She heard a voice call from behind. A patrol had wandered from their usual patrol and spotted her. She growled deeply as she quickly released the sail and allowed the boat to sail away from Berk's shores.

"See ya Berk!" Astrid said proudly as she sarcastically waved to the out-of-breath patrol that had tried to stop her. She was finding Hiccup and nothing was going to stop her. That she was sure of.


A sudden jolt of the boat awoke Astrid as she sat bolt upright in her bed below deck. Had she hit something? Was she on land? That's when she heard something jump down onto the boat, her breathing stopped. Bandits? Pirates? She hoped she wasn't in trouble. Astrid quietly grabbed her axe and made her way to the trapdoor to the deck above her. She grabbed the handle carefully and sighed. This was it, now or never.

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