Painful Looks

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This is a very personal one shot because... Well it doesn't matter but I'm being very sensitive when writing this actually.... I hope you guys like it anyway!!! I know the song doesn't match very well but the message and tone has a similar feel as this one shot...

Astrid's POV:

I looked across the table towards Hiccup. I looked at him closely and smiled at him. He always looks so handsome, how does he do it? I wish I could stroke his hair and hold him close every day.

But I know I can't. Not anymore.

I see his hands wrapped in between Heathers and feel my heart pang. Its just not fair. I wish it wasn't my fault. I wish I was.... His type.

We weren't always this distant before. We used to be close but after what happened.... Things will never be the same between us. Never again.

Hiccup broke up with me a couple of days ago because I was always so distant and detached from him, I never meant to be. It's just me. I can't help being like that but I was always taught to never get close to someone as they would hurt me, I guess I already got took close. This shouldn't hurt as much as it does.

Their hands became even more entwined and my heart began to clench even harder. That's when I had enough.

"I'm off." I said and hastily got up from the table and stormed over to the door. But I felt a familiar hand grab my arm, his touch sent chills up my arm and sparks to my heart making it start again.

"Astrid..." He started but I yanked my arm from his grip.

"I have nothing to say to you." I exclaimed and stormed out of the hall making sure that he didn't see my tear stained face. I couldn't stand our relationship now. It was so awkward and strange.

Every time I look at him I have the urge just to kiss him helpless even though I know he doesn't want me to.

I'm dying on the inside and this silence between us is killing me as well. I hate it. All of it.

"Astrid!" I heard that same voice again. I groaned. I had nothing to say to him. But he kept on perusing me until I could go nowhere else but towards him. He had cornered me.

"What do you want Hiccup?!" The auburn haired boy looked at me dead in the eyes. He knew what I was thinking.

"What's going on with you?" I was deadpanned at his question. Did he seriously ask me that?

"What's going on with me?! Oh! I get it. So you break up with me and then when you come in hand in hand with a spinsters daughter I'm not supposed to say a word and act like nothing happened between us!" Hiccup looked taken aback. He'd never heard this side of me before. To be honest neither have I...

"To be honest I didn't think you were all that bothered." Hiccup said innocently. I sighed in annoyance.

"You thought I wouldn't be bothered? We went out for god sakes! I love you! Of course I would be bothered." Hiccup looked at me shyly. "You don't know what it's like to look at someone and realise that you screwed up and that this person. This is the one thing that you can't have and it kills me! It kills me every time we exchange these painful looks. I hate this. I hate that we aren't what we were. I liked it like that. I was happy then... I still love you..." I finished and walked off as I felt the sharp stinging tears trickle down my face.

I hated it. Why couldn't we be like we were? Why not?

Just why?

I'm done now and this was in commemoration of me and my boyfriend. I'm sorry we didn't work out in the end but as someone who can't say this on a regular basis, I still love you. I always will because you loved me. That's all that matters to me. Although many people see you as irritating I find it cute and I will always see you as funny even when others thing you are a killjoy. You were the best thing that ever happened to me. But even though we are gonna stay friends I hope that I can hold the strength not to completely break down in the way I did when you told me we were over. I wish you all the best...

I love you... My Hiccup... I(I'm sorry I needed to say this...)

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