Braids and Inventions

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I decided to do a one-shot about how Hiccup got his braids but this is during RTTE and would take place in season 4 (obviously)... I'm not going to do a summary for this because I think you guys can guess what's going to happen, Enjoy!!!

It was a hot day on Berk and most of the gang were resting in there houses after coming back from the edge. Astrid was the only on of the vikings who didn't stay at home, she couldn't. After Gobber had rebuilt her house she never felt like it was really her house, she felt like it was just a cheap substitute. Instead she and Stormfly walked around the village, she walked past the forge and felt a strong heat coming from the fire, it was like actually standing inside the fire. But Astrid was shocked to find who was in there, Hiccup. He was stood in there full armor on and working on another invention. She just sighed and carried on walking, she made it to the great hall and decided to cool off in there.

She and Stormfly had been quietly stewing in the corner by themselves until they were rudely interrupted,

"Astrid! There you are, I've been looking all over for you..." Heather had been in the academy since they arrived here. So if she was here then something was wrong,

"Heather! What's going on?!" Heather smiled pulling me up from the floor. She dragged me out of the great hall and towards the academy,

"You'll want to see this..."


They eventually arrived at the academy. Astrid was disappointed to see nothing of interest inside the academy. The gang were all stood in the middle but were looking at the sky, Heather was looking that way as well. They were all amazed by this figure soaring through the sky and Astrid wasn't impressed when she saw the figure,

"Hiccup..." She folded her arms and sighed. She furrowed her eyebrows at the sight in front of her. But she was actually impressed that he was actually able to steer in as well, but she was amazed at a familiar black Night Fury flying beside his rider. How was he able to fly solo? That must've been what Hiccup was working on this morning when she saw him. Hiccup was flying for a while and decided to see what the gang thought of this invention, he steered towards the academy. But he realised he didn't have the best landing,

"TOOTHLESS!" The Night Fury quickly raced after his rider and wrapped himself around Hiccup as they crashed into the academy, the gang ran out of the way and watched the Night Fury recover. Astrid was the first to run over,

"Hiccup! Hiccup..." Toothless rolled over and revealed the rider,

"I'm okay..." Astrid wrapped her hands around his neck and held him tightly. She laughed to herself as Hiccup wrapped his arms around her,

"That's for an impressive invention," She then parted from him and smacked him upside the head, "That's for scaring me..." Hiccup shook his head,

"Okay, I'm sorry... But at least I didn't lose another limb!" He laughed at the last part but it just angered Astrid. Heather came over and placed her hand on Astrid's shoulder,

"One question... What are you wearing on your head?" Hiccup laughed and took off his new helmet. The gang's eyes widened, Hiccup's hair and gotten rough and messy and it actually looked good on him. Astrid and Heather sighed and leaned their heads against each others, Astrid liked this new Hiccup. Hiccup just looked at everyone confused. What was so wrong? Was there something in his hair? But as he thought that he unconsciously brushed his hair out of his face, causing Heather to pass out. But Astrid caught her in time before she hit the floor,

"She's just tired..." Astrid propped her up against the wall then turned back over to Hiccup. She strolled over and looked at his hair, she noticed some long hairs sticking out of the bottom of his head. She tried to flatten them out but they just stuck out,

"Astrid, what are you---"

"Have you ever thought about fixing you hair?" Hiccup gave Astrid a confused look, the rest of the gang groaned and walked out. These moments between this couple could get rather cringe worthy...

"Ermm... No?" Astrid then grabbed a chunk of his hair,

"Fine then, I'll fix it for you..." She then began to braid the long hairs. She continued and made two braids with his messy hair. She tied them up with leather straps from her shoes, and once they were done she stepped away to admire her work. The two braids stuck out of his head like a sore thumb, but she liked them. Hiccup reached his hand up to reach them,

"Astrid... I'm taking them out." Astrid placed her hand on his stopping him from taking the braids out, "Astrid..." She just looked at him with sad dragon eyes, no one likes a sad dragon. Hiccup sighed in defeat, Astrid smiled and gave him a swift peck on the cheek,

"Thanks Hiccup... You actually look really good in them." Hiccup smiled at Astrid, gazing into her blue eyes,

"Really?" Astrid nodded and Hiccup smiled at her, leaning closer he prepared for contact until,

"Woah! What happened?" Heather woke up. Great... Astrid looked at Heather with a death glare, she was enjoying the private moment as much as Hiccup, and it was ruined. Again...

OK this was a bit of a short one shot but I like it nonetheless and I know that there are others out there that are actually better than mine... So I hope you enjoyed it anyway! Feel free to leave a request for a one shot...

"... It's a loss I'm willing to incur, question is. Are you?" Viggo, Buffalord Solider 

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