Music in the Woods

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Okay so this was a request by Misschubbystyles and it's another one where Astrid sings (Yay!) and BTW she doesn't sound like Adele, she will sound more like Camilla Cabello! Anyway, enjoy!!!

"I have to tell her, bud. I just have to..." Hiccup was stood in front of Toothless and looking at his dragon, hopefully. But he never responded all the Night Fury did was stare, and that didn't help Hiccup, "Come on Toothless, help me out. How should I tell her?"

"How should you tell who?" Hiccup froze. Oh no. He slowly turned around hoping it wasn't her, and it wasn't?

"Heather?! What are you... What are you doing here?" She sighed and shook her head, crossing her arms she strode over,

"You know you're not the best at keeping your cool..." Hiccup laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck,

"Yeah." Heather raised an eyebrow at him,

"So..." Hiccup sighed and turned away. He couldn't tell her, no. It was too embarrassing,

"I can't it's too... Embarrassing..." Heather slowly walked up to him and placed a hand upon his shoulder. Hiccup turned to face her and pushed her hand off,

"Hiccup, tell me. You can trust me." Heather placed a hand on her heart,

"Fine." Hiccup took a deep breath, "I was going to ask out Astrid..." Heather quietly squealed,

"Eeeeekk! So you do like her! I knew it!" Hiccup shoved a hand over her mouth,

"Shhh! Let's not wake up the rest of the edge!" Heather sighed as Hiccup removed his hand from her mouth,

"Sorry, I'm just excited!" Hiccup rolled his eyes,

"Except it might not even happen. I don't even know whether she likes me." Heather looked around her, looking to see if anyone was watching or listening in,

"Hiccup, she does like you. She told me herself, mentioned you by name.." Heather lied, Astrid had never out right said it but Heather knew how she felt. Hiccup's spirits lifted,


"Really. So why don't you tell her how you feel?" Hiccup crossed his arms,

"Because I... I... What would I even say?" Heather sighed,

"Okay this sounds weird but... Pretend I'm Astrid---"

"What?!" Heather knew how weird she sounded but she had to get these two lovebirds together. They were meant to be. Heather placed a hand on his shoulder,

"It won't be weird I promise. Anyway, I want you to ask me out, but thinking it's Astrid." Hiccup's eyes widened. He couldn't do that. He didn't even know where to start when he was practicing on himself.,

"Ummmm... Okay. Astrid, I..."

"Come on, Hiccup!" Just the Astrid had walked down to the stables and just as she got to the door she heard Hiccup speak, but instead of showing herself she stayed hidden,

"Okay... I've liked you since the moment I laid eyes on you... Well... I was wondering whether you would... Like to be my... Girlfriend?" Heather then fake squealed, but to Astrid it sounded so real it hurt,

"Oh my Thor! Of course!" Tears began welling up in her eyes, Astrid then felt the tears come running out like a waterfall. She covered her face and ran to the clubhouse, but unfortunately for her, the rest of the gang was there, and they were all watching her crying. Fishlegs was the first to notice her,

"Astrid! Are you... Alright?" Astrid tried to answer between sobs but all she could muster was,

"I... Just... Need... To... Be... Alone," With that she ran out of the clubhouse and jumped on her dragon to fly off into the distance. Moments later Hiccup and Heather entered, they were instantly met with blank stares,

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