Relaxation Time

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Okay I've been struggling for ideas but I do have a couple of requests that I need to do but I thought I would do this one as it's actually based on a real event in my life that happened... SO I hope you guys like it!!!

Hiccup and Astrid were finally alone on the Edge, the twins were on patrol around the south of the island, Fishlegs and Snotlout had gone to Berk to get some more supplies for the Edge and Hiccup and Astrid were... Well, they were just staying alone.

It had only been a couple of days since Hiccup and Astrid had begun their relationship and no one suspected a thing. Snotlout and the twins had practically caught them at times but they never suspected a thing. In all honesty Hiccup and Astrid liked having this secret for themselves, it gave them privacy but they still jade to be careful.

The clubhouse was quiet and calm, the sun glared through the doors and brightened up on the young couple who were sat in each others arms staring at the sky in front of them. Hiccup looked at Astrid and smiled at her,

"What?" Astrid asked as she noticed his eyes upon her, she turned to face him. Hiccup smiled wider at the divine beauty in his arms.

"Nothing..." Hiccup said through a smile and tightened his grip around Astrid. Astrid smiled as Hiccup's arms tightened around her waist. The butterflies in her stomach seemed to flutter in excitement.

"You can tell me. I can keep a secret..." Astrid begged him with loving eyes. Hiccup seemed to melt into them. "Please..." Astrid pleaded and leaned closer to his face, their noses touching.

"You're cute when you smile you know." Hiccup finally admitted. Astrid smiled and felt her cheeks grow red. She tried to cover it up but Hiccup noticed.

"Thanks..." Astrid replied shyly. She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear in embarrassment.

"Are you blushing?" Hiccup laughed lightly. Astrid lightly punched him in the shoulder,

"Shut up." Astrid said embarrassingly. She blushed even harder but this made Hiccup smile wider.

"Awww, come here.." Hiccup hugged Astrid closer and kissed her forehead gently. Astrid smiled sweetly at this.

"Thanks Hiccup..." Astrid smiled and kissed Hiccup's cheek.

Suddenly they heard arguing coming from behind the clubhouse, Hiccup and Astrid shared a glance of shock as they leapt apart and ran outside to see who was coming. As they exited into the blaring sun soaked outside, the couple looked up at the sky and saw the usual sight of the twins arguing. Like always.

Hiccup and Astrid looked at each other with a smile. A usual sight.

This one was.... Different.

I hope you guys liked this one and it was more of a fluff piece and I will say that this one shot is actually based on real events, basically this same thing happened with me and my boyfriend (and we've only been dating a few days too!!!) but I thought I'd share this one with you guys!!

Hope you like it!!!!

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