Hiccup and Astrid Pt. 2

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Sorry that this request from someone took a long time to make but here we go I guess...

Astrid awoke the next morning to a bright and warming sun that held a cold presence upon it, it felt as though a dark future would proceed. Yet Astrid's excitement and passionate want for Hiccup blinded her clever predictions and accurate doubts, and so she carried on sorting out a knapsack for herself as she knew that the two of them would be sailing out upon the dark emerald ocean together for months in an attempt to escape from this prison of Berk.

"Ah the apex sun cannot come soon enough and illuminate this hopeless prison I find myself imprisoned upon. Yet I cannot help but feel an odd danger sweeping amongst the happiness, as though there is voice aware of the future. But I cannot hear them, so I shall go on." Astrid then proceeded to finish packing up her essentials, however as she began to walk towards her door it burst open to reveal her father with an angered expression stretched across his face whilst a whimpering Ingrid followed in pursuit.

"Villain! Vile beast! Does thou consort-est with thine enemy?! Does she?!" Her father yelled, a booming voice that screamed throughout the halls of the castle and scared Astrid ti the point that she dropped her knapsack upon the floor in a crashing conundrum that was inaudible above her father's shouts.

"Father? Thou talkst of nothing. From which void did you hear these foul words?" Astrid pleaded to her father but his angered expression remained plastered upon his carved face.

"This wretch here." He pulled Ingrid forward so that Astrid could see her. "Her eyes looked upon you and the young villain known as Hiccup upon your balcony. Kisses and words of love were shared between you. Is this false? Or am I to believe this is true? HONEST!" Astrid's mouth ran dry as all words escaped her and buried themselves deep within her as she searched for any lie that would allow her escape from her eternal prison. Yet no excuse arrived upon her tongue and so her words trapped her deeper within her prison.

"It is not false. I was consorting with thine enemy..." Her father's face filled up with red blood as his temper reached breaking point. "But father, why must we fight? Why must this feud continue so? i love this boy? We are one and the-" Her speech interrupted by a broad hand smacking the words from her mouth and sending her down to the floor. Astrid felt the floor beneath her as her warm hands greeted the cold tiles covering her floor to cushion her floor, yet the heat gathering on Astrid's face caused her hands to absorb the coldness of the floor and her body grew cold along with the hot presence of her father.

"Vile beast! Villain! You are no daughter of mine, a treasonist! A trespasser amongst our family..." His last part grew quiet as she heard her father's heart breaking as he dismissed her from the Hofferson family. What had she done?

"Mother! Find forgiveness within him. Make him believe and understand. Find anyway for me to be free?! Please!" Astrid begged but her mother looked at her coldly.

"You think i told him due to his intimidation. I told him willingly... You are no daughter of ours..." Astrid suddenly felt so alone, not because she was alone in her room but because she belonged to no one. No family, no partner. Alone amongst her things. The door locked behind her mother, now she really was trapped.


Meanwhile at the docks a hooded figure stood beside one of the docks in order to look for an unguarded boat, yet none were to be seen. He sighed in defeat as he watched the sun rise higher and higher into the sky, he was waiting for someone but they had failed to show up. So where were they?

"Where is she?" He whispered to himself as he bathed in the afternoon sun, he had been there for a while but there was still no sign of his date of arriving. The man looked around worriedly and revealed his head to the sun and continued to look around. "Where is my love? Has she ran into trouble, shall I go over to her lodgings? The danger is insurmountable yet I need to see her... What shall I do?" He looked around quickly and noticed a rally of Hofferson men making their way over to him. In that moment he pulled the hood to cover his head and walked in the opposite direction in order to escape the oncoming army. 

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