Love Square

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Saw this comment by Lianahofferson18 and decided that I would give it a shot as I am basically trying to find as many requests as possible as I am running out of ideas now!!! Hope you guys like it!!

Astrid woke up to see the beautiful going sun appearing over the horizon. It was like the sun had set fire to the land, its warm embrace coated the land in its rays. Astrid sighed and looked at the new day with exhaustion.

"Another day. Another stressful day." Astrid smiled yet somehow she didn't feel happy. Why shouldn't she feel happy. She didn't understand why. Why wasn't she happy?

"Hey, Astrid?" A familiar voice appeared at Astrid's door. She always adored hearing that voice, it always brought a smile to her face.

"Hey Hiccup. What brings you here this early?" Astrid asked happily, putting on a forced smile, but to see him it didn't need to be forced.

"Thought I'd see you were doing, you know with all... this." Hiccup gestured to the Egde scene that was behind him. The blonde smiled and sighed.

"I don't.. know..." Astrid finally said. She lost her smile and looked somber as she sat on her bed, she was sat looking at the wall with hiccup to her left, but the the wall was suddenly more interesting than the young boy beside her. Hiccup sat gently on the bed and placed a nervous arm, around her shoulder.

"Don't worry. it'll get better." Hiccup told her.

"I hope so..."


The gang flew through the sky like a warm knife through Yak butter. They were strong and individual, but never easy to attack. Astrid was at the back of the pack, distracted and somewhere else, and that's what got her caught.

"FIRE!" A net from a boat below flew up towards Astrid and before she could react in time she was already tangled in it's ropes and bindings. Hiccup looked over his shoulders as he heard a yelp but could see no distress. He shrugged it off and turned back to the sky ahead. Suddenly, it struck him.

Where was Astrid? He turned around again to see she was nowhere to be seen,

"ASTRID!" Hiccup yelled. But no response came.


"Looky looky here. What do we have? I think it's Hiccup's little love interest, don't you think boys?" Astrid looked up to see Dagur looking down at her with a smirk. "Nice to meet you again Astrid, sorry about all this but... it's protocol." He smiled as he said that. Astrid rolled her eyes as she struggled out of the ropes, Dagur held out a hand for her once she was free of the ropes but she flicked it away and stood up to look Dagur in the eyes.

"Dagur I told you to stop this, I don't like you!" Astrid stormed past him and to the edge of the ship. She looked out at the sea ahead and then looked to the sky above. "Hiccup will come for me and then..." She chuckled, "And then you'll be sorry." Astrid said in anger. Dagur waltz over in confidence.

"I know, but my brother has a very slow reaction time, and is always so predictable." Dagur laughed mysteriously, this made Astrid shiver. Would this guy not take a hint?

"Come on Dagur, can you just stop this, please?" Astrid turned to look at the man behind her, he was dangerously close.

"I... can't. I just want you... so bad!" Dagur grabbed Astrid's shoulders gently. Was anything Dagur did gentle? Was he being genuine? This was weird, even for Astrid.

"Please, stop!" Astrid said loudly as she tore his hands off her shoulders.

"That's what I'm gonna be yelling. But I want you to keep going." (I'm so sorry, that wasn't necessary!) Dagur called after her, Astrid shivered in her boots. That was disgusting.

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