A Snoggletog Gift

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Been a while but it's Christmas Eve and I figured I'd do a Snoggletog episode before the final day arrives!!!

Hiccup was at the academy with the rest of the gang and he was quietly nestled next to his Night Fury who was sleeping behind him. Hiccup had his nose in his journal trying to sketch out a design for Astrid's present he was planning to give her for Snoggletog, the problem was. He had absolutely no idea what it was he was going to give her.

The day started to fade into night and Hiccup was still no where near figuring out what to get Astrid, but that was when luck sprang his way.

"Fishlegs! I've got somethin' to show you!" The entire gang looked up to see Gobber standing at the entrance to the academy holding a shiny new sword. But as Hiccup looked closer, it didn't seem like an ordinary steel or iron sword to him.

"Gobber, what kind of metal is that?" Hiccup asked, the rest of the teens nodded in agreement as if he had just asked the elephant in the room. Gobber straightened himself up before he spoke.

"Well, ye' see. Fishlegs and Meatlug came int' me shop earlier and the horrible lava that she produced jus' wouldn't dry. So as I became impatient I thought I would use it to make meself a new sword. An' look at this beaut!" He then produced the sword into the air and swung it around showing it off. Astrid didn't look impressed by the new weapon.

"So what's so great about this new metal?" Astrid had a stoic tone to her voice but her face said otherwise. Gobber giggled quietly,

"Well, ha ha. It's very light, but some might think it wouldn't 'old up in battle. But ya see..." Gobber then walked over to Snotlout and gave him a dull iron sword. Snotlout was confused at first but the Gobber swung the new sword at his and split in two. "See. Light but very, very strong!" Astrid's eyes lit up.

"Can you make more? I've been wanting a new dagger." The excitement in her voice made Hiccup perk up. Of course! If he made Astrid a new dagger from this metal, that would be exactly what she'd want! Hiccups lowly walked over to Gobber.

"Hiccup, this metal would be perfect fer ye' shield." Gobber said. But Hiccup was too engrossed in the new sword before him.

"You're right. It would make it lighter, and stronger."


Hiccup was hard at work hammering on his shield. He was trying to hurry so that he could use some more of the new 'Gronckle Iron' as they now called it.

It only took Hiccup a couple of more minutes before he was finished. He then crept over to the basin holding all the Gronckle lava and he took a big scoop of the stuff with a metal cup. He then went over to his desk and got to work.

It had been almost two hours since Hiccup had started on Astrid's dagger and to be frank he was now shattered. But as he looked at his finished masterpiece he couldn't have been more happy with what he had been able to make for Astrid. He just hoped she'd feel the same way about it.

The dagger had a normal leather handle and the bottom had a jewel encrusted into it. The dagger itself was made out of Gronckle Iron but had many different swirls and patterns around it. But the holster for it was made of leather and had the sharp class symbol carved into the leather on one side and the strike class symbol on the other. Hiccup smiled as he stared at his new masterpiece.

"Hiccup?" A familiar voice had entered the forge and Hiccup instantly panicked. He picked up the dagger and threw open a drawer, "Hiccup? Are you in here?" Her voice was getting louder, but Hiccup soon put the dagger in his desk drawer and turned around in time to see Astrid enter into the room.

"Astrid! What a surprise!" He seemed to be a little nervous as he spoke and Astrid heard that, but said nothing.

"Really? Is it a surprise? I mean I have been calling you about a thousand times but you didn't seem interested in listening." Hiccup gulped. Was she on to him? He couldn't tell. he just kept quiet and changed the subject.

"So... What does Astrid Hofferson want with Hiccup Haddock? Not another Axe to grind right?" Astrid giggled in response to Hiccup. But Hiccup was trying to get her out of the forge before she went snooping around.

" I actually wanted to see whether you wanted to go on a little midnight flight whilst we still can?" Astrid asked hopefully, but Hiccup smiled at her.

"What makes you think I'd say no?" With that the couple of teens ran out of the forge in search of their dragons whilst the dagger laid happily and comfortably in the drawer.


Hiccup woke up bright and early that morning thanks to Toothless. He quickly dashed outside and summoned the Night Fury off from the roof.

"Come on bud, I need to do something first..." Hiccup quickly hopped on top of Toothless and flew down to the forge. As he arrived he ran into the back room where his desk was, but as soon as he entered the room the sight before him made him stop in his tracks.

"Hiccup? Where did you find this?" The blond slowly turned around to face Hiccup and in her hands was the dagger and holster looking as untouched as it did when he had left it. But it was no longer untouched now.

"I-I... Didn't." Astrid furrowed her eyebrows. What could he mean by that? She stepped closer to him.

"Did-Did you... Make this?" Hiccup was avoided eye contact and shyly nodded. Astrid felt tears brimming in her eyes and plunged herself towards him, wrapping her arms around him as she did so. Hiccup, who was surprised at first, slowly began to hug her back. He felt his heart thump harder against his chest and sighed a sigh of relief as he realised that Astrid Hofferson actually loved his gift for her.

Astrid the slowly pulled away but she kept her arms around Hiccups neck. She looked deep into his eyes and felt her heart skip a beat, her moment was now. She had to show him her feelings. She then leaned in and pressed her lips against his and this kiss felt different to the rest. Astrid felt happier and she could feel her heart beating out of her chest. She then felt Hiccup's lips pressing harder against hers and that's when she realised. hiccup was actually kissing her back.

Astrid had finally admitted how she felt and Hiccup had returned those feelings. To Astrid, this was the best Snoggletog ever...


I know it's been a really long time and I haven't done many of your requests or if i even have any but I will try and update some more episodes/one shots before season 4 comes out which Dreamworks hasn't released the release date for yet!!!!!!

But I hopefully will have enough one shots to last a while and I will try and make a new modern Hiccstrid story which will have both horses and Hiccstrid. Two of my favourite things!!

Anyway, love y'all and hope you carry on reading this one shot book as well as my other book 'The Boy Next Door'!!!

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