Betrothal Ball

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Just saw the new season of Race to The Edge and OMG guys!!! Amazing, but not as amazing as the last season was. I love the episode where the Edge first gets attacked by the Singetails. It was, AMAZING!! Especially the power couple scenes at the beginning.

Anyway I thought I'd do a little one shot about the betrothal thing that went on, I'm not entirely sure what it means but anywho.... I thought I'd do a one shot where it has to be a ball/party thing that they do after like a year of their first betrothal. Hope you like it!!!

Fishlegs was walking around the Edge searching for Hiccup who, to no ones surprise, had disappeared. But as he walked by Astrid's hut he heard a loud crash and an even louder scream,

"ARRRRGGGHHH!!" Astrid screamed from inside her hut. Fishlegs came running in to find Astrid surrounded in rubble from the mess that was her hut. Was her hut. Fishlegs carefully made his way through the maze-like war zone and sat down beside Astrid's panicked body.

"Errr... Astrid?" Fishlegs lightly touched her shoulder in comfort but was instantly met with a different, more violent reaction. Astrid immediately whipped round and hauled Fishlegs' body on the ground. Fishlegs met the ground with a large thump and a pair of unsettling eyes.

"Fishlegs?!" Astrid questioned not realising until that moment. Fishlegs cringed in fear as he expecvted a massive blow to the head.

"Please don't kill me I'm only young, I still have so much to learn and apologize for!!" Fishlegs screamed out in pain. Astrid let go of her effort and tight grip.

"What are you on about?" Astrid asked exasperatedly. She walked away from the tired, shocked body on the floor and continued to look around her hut for this 'mystery item'. Fishlegs calmed himself and picked himself off the ground.

"May I ask, what are you doing?" Fishlegs asked as he looked at the wreck that was her hut. Again. Astrid sighed in defeat.

"I'm looking for my betrothal gift that Hiccup gave me?" Astrid said unconvincingly. Fishlegs folded his arms. "FINE! I'm looking for my, err... My..." Astrid sighed knowing he would have to see it sooner or later, "My Betrothal gown." Fishlegs squealed quietly and ran to Astrid hugging her close, Astrid quickly pushed him away.

"Awww. That's so cute! Astrid's got a dress?!" Fishlegs then heard how weird that sounded. Astrid began to blush, "Wait," Astrid looked away. "How long have you had this dress, or even when did you get it?" Fishlegs sat down in confusion.

"I... errr..." Astrid rubbed her arm and continued her search trying to ignore Fishlegs' attempts to make her spill the beans.

In truth Astrid had received the gown a couple of months before, but in a desperate attempt to hide it, she made too good a job at doing so. It was her mother's betrothal gown, it was a sky blue colour like her top and the belt was covered in dragon claws. It was beautiful, but Astrid thought otherwise, hence the hiding. She thought it looked a bit too much like a 'I like murdering dragons,' than a 'I love my betrothed'. That's what Astrid wanted her dress to say, so she doesn't have to.

"Why don't you get a new one if you can't find it?" Fishlegs suggested. Astrid rose her head from what she was doing, she turned towards Fishlegs with an angered expression, "Or not..." Fishlegs quickly retracted. Astrid turned back to what she was doing.


Hiccup was too searching. He was at Berk, he was supposed to be helping his father prepare for the ball but he was pre-occupied. His room was a apocalyptic war zone littered with corpses and smelt like it too. he had managed to uncover things he didn't even know existed that had started to fester in his room. Ugh (vomits)...

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