Thawfest Part 1

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Summary: The teens compete in Thawfest but this time Astrid wins all the Viking events and Hiccup wins all the Dragon events, they end up in a tie-breaker but will Hiccup be a gentleman??? As requested by xXNight_RyderXx


The day of Thawfest had finally arrived and the teens had all preparing the entire week for this particular Thawfest games. Everyone has grown up since the last one, especially Hiccup, but it was still a hard competition to compete in.

Astrid was in her house braiding her hair for the upcoming day and instead of having her normal braid, she thought she'd try a more intricate design. Once she had finished, she quietly crept downstairs and had her breakfast.

She'd woken up early in the morning so she could go to the forest to practice, and also go with Stormfly on an early morning flight. She went outside to see her Deadly Nadder waiting for her underneath her shelter. Astrid ran over to her and gave her dragon it's breakfast. Within minutes the basket of fish was emptied and Astrid was able to fling on Stormfly's saddle and head off into the sky.

The two had been flying for about 20 minutes and they decided to stop off in a clearing near the cove. Astrid took her axe and dismounted Stormfly onto the forest floor. Astrid gripped her axe tightly as she picked out her first target, as her eyes landed upon a tree with many axe marks in it she threw her axe embedding it in the tree. She ran over a pulled the axe out of the tree and threw it at another tree. And another. And another.

Many throws later Astrid sat down against a large boulder and began to sharpen her axe. She was breathing rather heavily and was a little out of breath, but nothing that she was too concerned about. That is until she heard a twig snap, she quietly rose from her position to go check it out. She was in her battle position and ready to strike,

"Astrid! Do you mind putting down the sharp object and not kill me?!" Hiccup was covering his face with his arms as Astrid was stood with her axe raised in the air, ready to strike. Astrid sighed happily,

"Hiccup... I wouldn't kill you... But only if I had to..." She laughed at the last part and placed her axe beside the boulder she had previously been sitting. Hiccup removed his arms from his face to see the beautiful blonde standing in front of him,

"Well that's, ummm... Comforting, I guess..." Astrid pouted at him and Hiccup gave her a shrug and picked up her axe,

"What are you even doing here, Hiccup? Not that I'm complaining." Hiccup was observing Astrid's axe and gave her a look of pity,

"Do you ever change your axe?" Astrid gave him a death glare, "It's a little dull, that's all I'm saying... Anyway, I was on a morning flight with Toothless when I saw you down her throwing axes at harmless trees, so as usual, I was curious... What brings the 'fearless' Astrid Hofferson to the woods this time in a morning?" Hiccup was gesturing at Astrid with her axe at the last part. Astrid crossed her arms whilst she cocked out one hip,

"What's it matter to you?" Hiccup looked at Astrid with one his goofy smiles and placed the axe back were he'd found it and closed the gap between him and Astrid. He slowly placed his arms around her waist but Astrid refused to move her arms from there position,

"I'm your boyfriend... It matters everything to me..." With that he gave her a small peck on the lips and walked back over to Toothless, " I'll see you later at the academy. Thawfest is today remember!" Astrid watch the night fury and his rider shoot off into the sunrise. This Thawfest was going to be different this year...


Bucket and Mulch sat in the stands and began to announce the Thawfest games. Meanwhile in the corner of the academy the teens were preparing for the first event, The Sheep Lug. Astrid had been responsible for all the missing sheep that were stolen from Sven's farm, she had been taking them and preparing for her worst event. The Sheep Lug. Hiccup on the other hand hadn't been preparing at all for the Thawfest games as he knew exactly what place he would come, last. There was nothing he could do about that. Snotlout came over to him and tried to imitate him but failed miserably,

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