Romantic Flight

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This one shot was requested by xXNight_RyderXx and is a remake of an early one shot 'The Perfect Midnight Flight' and also don't start the video until the flight... So I thought I would do this one set after HTTYD 2, so enjoy!!!

It's been 3 months since the war with Drago and everything has changed, even Hiccup. He has been working his butt off trying to clean up the village and be as good a leader as his father. But all his extra work leaves him no time for his personal life, more importantly. Astrid.

Everyone is so happy about Hiccup being chief and are all eager to listen to him, but one. Astrid. She was happy when he first got it, but after a couple of weeks she realised that she didn't like it. Being chief had changed him, and she didn't like it.

One night Astrid was sat at the table awaiting Hiccups return, but when the door finally opened Valka was the one to enter, not Hiccup. Astrid sighed,

"What's up dear?" Valka sat beside her,

"Hiccup..." Valka placed a loving hand upon Astrid's shoulder,

"I know... He's not been himself lately."

"No he hasn't been himself since he became chief. Look I know Hiccup and this isn't him, it's just the person he's trying to be. He's not the Hiccup I fell in love with, and everyday he makes me wonder whether he still is..." Astrid looked at Valka for support but all she got was a nod. Suddenly the door flung open and a very tired looking Hiccup marched through,

"Hey, Mum. Astrid... What are you doing here?" Astrid's eyes narrowed and she rose,

"This was a mistake. I knew I shouldn't have come... Good night." That was the last thing she said before slamming the door,

"What's the matter with her?" Valka rolled her eyes,



Astrid woke up early the next morning and decided she needed something to clear her mind. After rushing downstairs and out the door, she hopped on Stormfly and headed for the woods.

Astrid slid off and grabbed her axe, she then began to throw it at the surrounding trees and with every hit, she felt her thoughts slip away. Once she was worn out she sat on a nearby rock and began to sharpen her axe. She loved the sound it made as she slid the rock across the smooth metal,

"Astrid?!" She looked up to see her boyfriend approaching her. 'Not now' she thought but he kept on getting closer and closer. Eventually Astrid jumped off the rock and began to run through the wood. She jumped over rocks and logs until she was suddenly lifted into the air,

"Not again. Hiccup!" She looked up and saw a grinning boy on the back of a Night Fury. She was then dropped onto a tree branch, "Hiccup! Get me down from here!"

"You have to give me s chance to apologise..."

"I am not listening to anything you have to say!" Hiccup sighed and held out his hand to Astrid,

"Then let me show you... Please Astrid..." Astrid groaned before heaving herself up from the branch and  mounted Toothless,

"Now get me down!" Hiccup patted Toothless gently. They shot off into the sky swirling and dropping all over the place, "Hiccup!" Just then everything stopped. Astrid had buried her face into Hiccups back and closed her eyes. Once they'd stopped spinning she opened her eyes. (Now play the video)

"I thought I'd give you a reminder of why you fell in love with me..." Astrid looked around her to see cream coloured clouds surrounding them, she reached out her hand and felt the cloud above her. Her heart began beating fast and she felt happy again. She hugged Hiccup closer and kissed his cheek,

"Thank you Hiccup..." They continued to fly in through the night, they watched the Northern lights above glisten in the starlight, it was more beautiful than last time, "Alright, I admit it. This is pretty cool..." Hiccup sighed,

"I don't blame you for being mad at me Astrid... I haven't been myself, I've been working too hard and haven't been with you as much as I should but---" Astrid placed a finger in his lips,

"You've always been yourself, I've just been too blind in selfishness to see it... You're trying your best, I guess I just wanted to know that you still cared..." Hiccup turned to look at her,

"I do care! I promise that from now on, you are my biggest priority..." Astrid smiled,

"How are you going to do that?" Hiccup smiled and pulled a small piece of metal out of his saddlebag,

"By doing this..." He presented a necklace to her, but not any kind of necklace, an engagement necklace! "Astrid Hofferson, will you marry me?" Astrid squealed and hugged him tight,

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes!" Hiccup sighed and held her close. This was the best way to apologise to Astrid but he wasn't going to upset her again, and that was a promise he was going to keep, forever...


That's my final one shot for the night and I hope you've enjoyed it! Thanks to xXNight_RyderXx for suggesting this!!! Thank you guys so much, over 12k reads. That's amazing!!!!

Love you guys!😍😍😍

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