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The moon began to rise in the Edge that night and everyone was tired after their last raid.

The gang were all in the clubhouse and had just finished Heather's yak chops. They were all full and tired so decided to retire to their huts.

But two figures remained at the table.

"Aren't you two coming?" Tuffnut asked, Heather stopped and looked at the awkward couple sitting around the table.

"I think they need to check the stables before they go to their huts. Make sure everything's secure." Heather said and ushered Tuff out of the clubhouse in order to leave Hiccup and Astrid alone. She hoped Astrid would use this chance to tell Hiccup her feelings about him.

Hiccup and Astrid watched the door until everyone had gone. When it was clear Hiccup moved closer to Astrid.

"Is everyone gone?" Hiccup asked, Astrid smiled at the door and then turned to Hiccup.

"Yes, I think th--" But she was immediately cut off by Hiccups lips pressing against hers. Instead of pushing him away, she melted into the kiss and deepened it further.

Astrid moved closer to Hiccup and swaddled on his lap, Hiccup nervously placed his hands around her waist and held her in his lap as well as pulling Astrid in for a deeper kiss. Astrid noticed his slight hesitation and reluctantly pulled away.

"Hiccup?" Astrid looked at his irresistible eyes.

"Yes, M'lady." Hiccup replied.

"You know you can be a bit more free in where your hands can go right?" Hiccup sighed.

"Are you sure?" Hiccup looked at Astrid questioningly.

Astrid sighed and placed her hands on top of Hiccups. She carefully slid them down towards her lower back and pulled her body closer to Hiccups. Astrid smiled and then wrapped her arms around Hiccups neck,

"Better." Astrid smiled. Hiccup frowned. "What's wrong?" Hiccup placed a finger on Astrid's lips.

"Someone's coming!" Hiccup whispered. Astrid's eyes widened, before she suddenly jumped off of Hiccups lap. She fell over a chair as she did so and Hiccup did the same.

"Hey Hiccup, I---" Fishlegs appeared at the door to see both Hiccup and Astrid on the floor on top of each other (pic) and widened his eyes.

"Fishlegs! It's not what you think." Hiccup tried to explain. Astrid groaned,

"Fishlegs, please don't tell anyone." Astrid pleaded. Fishlegs stood there frozen.

They were screwed.

Part 2 coming soon I promise!!!

I think this might be the start to a running season that I will do and they will all be called 'Secret' so stay tuned!!!

I also wrote this whilst watching Hunger Games!! 😂😂😂

Update (2024): I'm sorry... I couldn't keep my promise. Honestly, I wouldn't even know where to start with a part 2, and I didn't write down my idea. So blame past me if you wanted a part 2.

Besides, I'm actually rather uncomfortable with writing anything implicitly sexual, and that's what I think this was trying to be. So, I'd rather not continue this unless you are okay with it not being *that*.

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