Check Mate Part 2

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It's time for part two and let's see what will happen to Astrid and the Dragon Eye... Enjoy!

"Why?" Astrid tightened her grip on the cage bars. They wouldn't budge however hard she gripped them, but she needed a way to take out her anger.

"Mi'lady, I never wanted you in the first place. I heard my men had captured you and your dragon, so I thought about sending you over the edge to drown and keep your little dragon friend. But then when I noticed that your 'boyfriend'  took the dragon eye... Well, that gave me a good enough reason to keep you." Viggo smiled, leaning in closer to Astrid's face.

"What reason?" Astrid's knuckled turned white and her hands began to hurt.

"The Dragon Eye, for your life... It's really up to Hiccup." Astrid spat in Viggo's face as he got rather too close to her face. He wiped off her saliva and signaled the men to take her away, the men nodded and pushed her cage down the hill and parked her next to her dragon.

"Stormfly! It's good to see you girl," She held out her hand to pet her dragon but she couldn't reach. Stupid cage. Astrid looked up into the misty darkness of the sky and whispered to herself, "Hiccup... Where are you when I need you?"


Hiccup began pacing up and down, the rest of the riders watching him in boredom. Heather smiled as she watched Hiccup pacing up and down, he really cared for Astrid she didn't see any of the other riders pacing up and down in panic.

"What are we going to do?! We don't know what Viggo's planning to do with her!" The gang didn't seem the least bit bothered, not even Fishlegs. To be honest Heather wasn't really worried either,

"Hiccup. It's Astrid she'll be fine..." Heather rested a hand on Hiccup's shoulder in attempt to comfort him. But Hiccup shoved her arm off of his shoulder,

"I know that but... If something happened to her, I couldn't live with myself. I.... Never mind." Heather's eyes lit up. She was right, he did love her. He just wasn't ready to admit it to everyone, which was disappointing. Heather looked at the gang who suddenly got interested in what Hiccup had to say. I think they knew as well,

"Err... Guys, do you mind giving me and Hiccup a moment. I need to talk to him. Alone..." They all sighed but quietly left the room and waddled over to their huts and once the last door closed to their huts, Heather turned to face Hiccup, "Alright, now spill it. What is this really all about?" Hiccup looked at her as if she'd gone insane.

"I don't know what you're talking about..." Heather rolled her eyes and closed the gap to about one metre,

"Yes you do. Otherwise you wouldn't be all nervous... So? Out with it..." Hiccup sighed, shrugging his shoulders.

"What is there to say?" Heather knew how she was going to have to get the information out. But she didn't like it,

"Do you love Astrid? Because if not..." Hiccup gave Heather a hard stare, like the ones Astrid used to give her. But he gave in and spoke,

"Of course I do. She means the world to me... She makes me believe that happiness is possible, I used to think that love was a weakness, but this girl has a hold on my heart that I couldn't break even if I wanted to... And there have been times that I wanted to. It's been heart-wrenching, beautiful and even painful at the worst of times, but I could not stop loving her anymore than I would give up Toothless... I am hopelessly, unbelievably in love with her. More than she knows..." He gave Heather one last look before he walked over to the door and lightly leaned against it, "She's my everything... I don't want to lose her." Heather's mouth just hung open, she knew he loved Astrid but not this much. She wasn't even sure whether Astrid felt the same way he did. Did she?

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