Shut up...

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The gang are trapped in a cave with a stressed out Hiccup. How can they shut him up?

The gang were all bored after a long flight and all wanted a rest, but as usual, Hiccup was having none of it.

The gang were out in a recon flight and also a 'search for Viggo' flight. But Hiccup would never admit that that was the reason he was in this flight. Viggo had managed to steal the Dragon eye off of the gang and Hiccup was wound up about it, but only Astrid knew this. She knew him better than anyone and knew when he was stressed and he couldn't be more obvious now,

"Hiccup? We've been flying for hours!" Hiccup just continued to fly ahead, he wasn't paying any attention. Astrid groaned and flew closer, "Come on! There's a couple of islands below. Maybe we should stop off there..." Nothing. Fishlegs decided to help,

"Astrid's right, Hiccup. We've been flying for most of the day!" Hiccup stiffened and slowly looked over his shoulder.

The gang did look exhausted and he too was feeling a little flustered. He sighed and looked at Toothless, the Night Fury gave his rider a tired look. They should land, he couldn't fly like this, neither should his dragon. He looked at the islands below,

"You're right Fishlegs, you're right." Astrid folded her arms in frustration, was he serious? "There's an island below that is nice and secluded. We'll stop off there." The gang all have a sigh of relief and the dragons all exchanged the same glance of exhaustion.

The island was quite big but it did have a lot of secluded areas and that gave Astrid a bad feeling. She didn't like the idea of places that she could be ambushed from. Hiccup saw the worry in her eyes and walked over to her,

"This was your idea. Don't start having second thoughts..." Astrid smiled into the forest green eyes that stood so close to her. She sighed and held her arms

"Just thinking, I guess I'm just tired..." Astrid yawned and gave Hiccup a loving glance before sitting against a nearby rock. Hiccup shook his head and smiled. He never could understand that girl.

Astrid sat down on the damp grass and felt a cool breeze wrap itself around her bare arms, it soothed her worries and she slowly closed her eyes. She heard someone approach her and sit down beside her, she gently opened one eyes and saw her dragon lying down beside her. Astrid sighed and dozed off into a blissful sleep.


Astrid woke up with a start. She looked around her and grabbed her axe, her gut never let her down. There's got to be something out there, so she slowly stood and walked out of the clearing.

She got pretty far into the forest when she heard the familiar sound of laughter, and not good familiar, bad familiar. She hid behind a tree and listened to the muffled voices,

"Dragon riders....... Over near the eastern beach...... Night fury and others.... Viggo will be happy....." Dragon hunters! Not good. Not good at all.

Astrid ran through the forest, tear stained face. This was all be fault. She shouldn't have said anything. They should've kept flying. But as she approached the camp she stopped, if she ran in there with a tear stained face she would look weak. She took a second to compose herself before she ran in,

"Hiccup!! Wake up! All of you!" Hiccup slowly opened his eyes but as soon as he saw it was Astrid who was fretting he was wide awake. He jolted upright and looked at Astrid worriedly,

"What's going on?!" Astrid panted and rested her hands on her knees, but all she would cough out was,

"Dragon hunters..... Seen us...... My fault.... Have to hide....." Hiccup ran over and looked at Astrid with anger, but Astrid tried to say that he was t at her but she could only feel like he was angry at her,

Hiccstrid One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now