Harmony Island

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In the last scene of this trailer (with the Deathsong, which I also think is Garff) Hiccup and Astrid were holding hands before they were interrupted, so I thought I'd do a little one shot of what might of gone on before that happened. Hope you guys like it!!! BTW the Edge survives in my version, it's set on the Edge.

Hiccup woke up early that morning. He was up all night thinking about how to improve his fire sword. he'd thought about what Astrid had said, about making the shaft longer. But he also had to figure out how to do that as well as get the fire to spread throughout the whole shaft as well. It was very complicated. Easier said than done.

"Come on, Toothless." Hiccup yawned as he climbed out of his bed and downstairs. His dragon, on the other hand, was not as enthusiastic as his friend was about finishing this... "Fire sword" or "Inferno" as he was now calling it.

"Grrrr..." Toothless gurgled at Hiccup's disappearing figure down the stairs. He quickly turned around and lay back down into a deep, soothing sleep.

"Toothless..." Hiccup sighed as he watched his dragon slip into a peaceful slumber, even he couldn't wake him when he was like this. Hiccup smiled to himself as he thought of the despicable way he gets his dragon to wake up.

"First one out the door gets to do what they want for the morning?!" Hiccup exclaimed, and quicker than he could finish his sentence, Toothless was out the door. Hiccup chuckled quietly to himself, "Works every time."

Toothless was waiting patiently outside the door, begging like a hungry puppy and panting like a Gronckle on granite. Hiccup walked out into the blinding sunlight and was instantly met with a bounding black figure who was prancing and jumping around him like a maypole. (Anyone know what that is? Research it if not)

"Alright, alright!" Hiccup laughed, "Let's go..." Hiccup mounted Toothless and flew off into the sunset.

Astrid watched her boyfriend fly out from his hut. He and his dragon shot as a silhouette into the rising sunset sky. She watched her smile follow him and decided to join him.

She quickly rushed over to the stables and opened Stormfly's pen. After the eruption, most of the stables were destroyed but some of it still remains, to be honest some of the entire Edge is lucky to be here. Unfortunately Fishlegs and Snotlout's huts were destroyed and they now sleep in the uncomfortable silence of the Clubhouse.

"Hey girl, how do you feel about going for a little flight?" Astrid smiled as Stormfly came bounding out of her cage and over to the landing platform. The Nadder squawked at Astrid in excitement, "Okay girl. I'm coming..." Astrid ran over to her dragon, mounted and flew off towards her black silhouette. 

Astrid and Stormfly quickly caught up with Hiccup, Astrid smiled as she watched her boyfriend talk with his dragon about his life. She was about to scare him when she suddenly heard her name.

"...And Astrid. I mean, I can't let anything happen to her. I would hate myself if she was ever hurt, because of me or not. But I can't keep her out of the action, or the danger. She's just not like that, and I love her for that... She's just... Something else, huh bud?" Hiccup sighed and patted Toothless as he spoke. He suddenly heard a flap of wings and pulled his dragon to a halt. "But she can also be nosy, curious and a bit stubborn at times. As well as being totally obnoxious." Hiccup joked. he could tell Astrid was nearby.

Suddenly a blonde haired head popped from out of the clouds and stared deep into his green eyes, and his bore deep within her sea blue ones.

"I am not obnoxious!" Astrid complained. Hiccup smiled at Astrid's expression, she pouted at him with a great effort to look hurt but Hiccup knew her too well to see through it.

"No you're not, milady." Astrid blushed as hiccup called her that. He smiled as she blushed, she looked cute when she blushed. Hiccup wrapped his hands around her face and pulled her in for a deep kiss. Astrid was at first startled but soon melted into it.


After their little flight, Hiccup and Astrid soon returned. Astrid gave Hiccup a quick kiss goodbye and ran to the Clubhouse to check on the rest of the gang.

Hiccup on the other hand went back to his hut with toothless following in hot pursuit. Toothless ran to the top of the hut and began to light the forge. Hiccup then got out his sword and began his adjustments, he strengthened the shaft as well as restock the supply of monstrous nightmare gel in the handle which supplies the fire. Hiccup looked for his welding goggles that were basically a thin sheet of death song amber, but he couldn't find them. Nothing. Hiccup sighed and realized what he had to do.

"Sorry bud, but we have to go to Harmony Island. We need some more of that Death Song amber, and I think I know what else we could use it for." Hiccup winked at his dragon. Toothless shook his head at the idea of going back but he gave in anyway. there was no way he could convince Hiccup to give up on this idea.

So Hiccup grabbed all that he needed for the trip and headed over to the landing where he was unfortunately caught by his girlfriend. 

"And where do you think you are going, hmmm?" Astrid asked, hands on hips as she watched Hiccup slowly step away from toothless who looked ready for a long trip. "If you are going anywhere, I'm going with you."

"Astrid, I don't need someone to be with me as company." Hiccup said exasperatedly. Astrid smiled as she mounted Stormfly.

"Nonsense. I'm here to make sure you don't killed." Astrid said calmly whilst smiling. Hiccup laughed quietly as he mounted Toothless and they flew off in the direction of Harmony Island.


They landed on the island and looked around for any danger.

"Okay, I got nothing. Not even that sound that we got last time we came here." Hiccup announced. He looked at Astrid who looked just as clueless as he was.

"You don't think that they... Left?" Astrid asked. Hiccup shook his head. No. No dragon ever leaves their islands. Ever. he's never heard of it. they only leave to get food or if their island's were destroyed, and considering that the island was still here. 

"No. they have to be here." Hiccup said determinedly. "They have to."

"Okay, but let's rest. It's almost night and we've been up all day. Let's get some rest before we pass out." Astrid told Hiccup as she started to unpack her camping gear.

"I guess you're right." Hiccup sighed.

"Of course I am." Astrid smiled. "I always am."


the young couple had only been asleep for a few hours when they were both awoken by a dragon's call. It sounded in distress. As they turned to wards their dragons they saw nothing. Just empty space.

"Astrid. Where are the dragons?" Hiccup asked worriedly. Astrid sighed and grabbed her axe. She began to head inland. "Hey! Astrid!" She turned to look at him.

"What?" Hiccup gathered his breath as Astrid stopped to look at him.

"Where are you going?" he asked, still with worry evident in his voice.

"To find our dragons." She said with an 'obviously' tone. Hiccup sighed and grabbed his sword.

"Ignorant little....You mother of thor...." Hiccup muttered to himself as he caught up to Astrid. When he was beside her, he took her hand in his and walked with her inland.

I'm gonna stop it here. Leave you with a cliffhanger, cause I'm evil like that! I'm also like, super excited for this next season and I can't believe it's like 19 days until it comes out!!!! I'm soooo excited!!!

Hope you guys liked it and leave a request for what i should do next!!

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