The Date

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Someone may have already used this photo but oh well! Anyway this was a request by ssierzengie and it's a Heathlegs one shot but because I love Hiccstrid I threw them in there as well, so here it is! Enjoy!!!

Heather's POV:

For the last three days Astrid's been sneaking around at night going Thor knows where and every time I ask her about it, she looks at me as if I am from another planet! Something's wrong, I swear and if she won't tell me. I'll have to find out for myself.

I walked over to the clubhouse for breakfast and noticed that Hiccup was waiting outside the stables, but why was he waiting? I decided to ignore it, that guy was Astrid's problem not mine. As I got to the clubhouse I began to make breakfast for everyone, yes, I had been elected the cook for the edge. As I had finished I noticed Fishlegs come strolling in,

"Hey, Heather." I blushed and tucked a piece of loose hair behind my ears,

"Hi, Fishlegs... How are you today?" Fishlegs smiled and sat down,

"So, so. You?" I smiled back,

"Same." There was an awkward silence between us for a few moments,

"So! What's... What's for breakfast?" I turned back to my cooking and began to serve it out for me and him, just us. For now. I strolled over and placed it in front of him,

"Museli! What do you think?" Fishlegs laughed,

"I think it's great." I smiled and sat beside him. He always looked cute when he was nervous and I always adored that about him, to be honest he was adorable whatever he did. I ate beside him making polite conversation with him until the rest of the gang arrived,

"Mmmmmm! What smells so good?" I sighed,

"Breakfast!" Everyone grabbed a plate and joined us, I noticed that Astrid wasn't with us. I looked at hiccup who seemed a bit on edge,

"Hiccup, do you know where Astrid is?"

"No. Why should I know where she is?!" He spat back. What was wrong with him? He's never done that before. What was he hiding?

"Sorry. i just thought you might know." Hiccup slouched into his chair began to eat. A few moments later we heard footsteps running up to the clubhouse,

"Sorry I'm late! What did I miss?" I sighed and pointed to the final bowl of Museli,

"Nothing so far. But where have you been?" Astrid smiled,

"You know. Sightseeing on Stormfly and taking an early morning flight..." She sat beside Hiccup and just ate her breakfast, not making any contact with him. Not even a 'hello' between them. Something's up between them.


The sun began to set on the horizon, I had headed over to Fishlegs' hut and knocked on his door. Knock knock. No answer. Knock knock. Still nothing. I then began pounding the door furiously,

"Coming!" I heard Fishlegs shout before he opened the door to me,

"Fishlegs, I need you to help figure out what Astrid's up to!" Fishlegs sighed and nodded,


"Come on, it'll be... Wait! Did you agree to come with me?"

"Yeah, I mean why not?" I squealed quietly and grabbed his hand dragging over to Windshear. I hopped on then I held out my hand,

"Come on..." Fishlegs looked at my hand nervously,

"Errr..." I sighed and hauled him onto Windshear,

"Let's go!" With that we headed off into the distance. We went deep into the forest and we'd been circling for ages until I noticed a smoke cloud gathering up above a secluded beach,

"There!" Fishlegs whispered down my ear. I guided Windshear down onto the cliff above the beach and lay on the ground. I signaled Fishlegs over and what we saw was not what we expected,

"Oh my Thor..." I whispered. There they were. Hiccup and Astrid sat beside each other, hand in hand and Astrid's head rested on Hiccup's shoulder. They were watching the horizon, and they couldn't have looked happier. I looked at Fishlegs and he looked as shocked as I was. They were together! How could I have not seen it?!

"They're... Together?! But I thought they were mad at each other..." I smiled, I was happy for them. I was just a little upset that Astrid hadn't told me, but still, I was happy. Fishlegs suddenly had inched closer to me and our hips touched. Sparks flew up my spine and my heart began to race,

"Ummm... Fishlegs..."


"You're incredibly close..."

"I know..." He turned to look at me then planted a kiss upon my lips. I wrapped my hands around his neck, pulling him in closer and deepening the kiss. My heart was pumping out my chest and I couldn't breathe. I was in Valhalla. Our bodies were one as our heads moved to try and deepen the kiss. I pulled away and looked down at the beach to see Hiccup and Astrid doing the same thing. I smiled before looking back at Fishlegs,

"We should give them some privacy..." Fishlegs looked at the couple on the beach and nodded,

"Agreed," We stumbled up and both mounted Windshear and headed back to the edge.


So that's another one done! Two in one day, wow!!! So I won't make this authors note long so don't worry but thank you guys so much for the requests and as usual keep them coming!

See you later!!!

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