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This is a request by ItzAnnette and is where Valka and Astrid are talking about Hiccup, teasing him, complimenting him and explaining true feelings for him. This image doesn't exactly tie in with the story I just like it! ENJOY!!!!

Valka was sat watching the door as she read the Book of Dragons, admiring her son's drawings and knowledge. She noticed not a lot of writing about Night Furies but they are a mystery, even to her. As she read she gave passing glances at the door in hope that her son would come through the door and she could finally be a mother. But that time never came. 

Time passed and she was still alone, and she began to get worried. Not even Stoick was this late when he was chief? Suddenly the door burst open,

"Valka! Have you seen Hiccup anywhere?!" Valka shook her head and furrowed her eyebrows. The young blonde that stood in front of her was more beautiful up close,

"Astrid, right?" The girl nodded but worry still evident on her face, "Tell you what. We'll get our dragons and circle around the nearby islands in case he's gone for a flight. Sound good?" Astrid smiled and ran out the door, no doubt to get her dragon. Valka stood and grabbed her armor, she put away the Book of Dragons and went outside. Berk looked beautiful at night, so peaceful and quiet, now that dragon fire didn't light the sky! But Valka missed the blue skies she'd grown fond of, but as she looked at the stars she couldn't help feeling that she didn't know who she was... 

Suddenly a squawk was heard as the blonde landed by Valka, she removed her hood and sat looking at the woman with bright eyes. Eager to get going and find her boyfriend. Valka called out her Stormcutter, Cloudjumper. She hopped on and they both shot up into the sky.

Time had passed, in silence, until one of them spoke,

"So... You and Hiccup, eh?" Astrid's cheeks burned red and she shrugged, 

"Yeah... We've only been going out for a couple of months so... All the couple stuff is new to us..." Valka smiled and looked over at the girl,

"Don't worry, my child... You should've seen Stoick when we began dating! Oh... We were a wreck!!!" Valka laughed at the last part. Astrid gave Valka a confused look,

"Really? I can barely believe that!" Valka flew closer to Astrid so they could talk without shouting,

"Oh, yes... You know. He wasn't the most romantic person in the world when we started dating. He didn't know flowers from axes!" Astrid gulped and looked down at her axe. Hiccup had helped her make it, and she didn't go anywhere without it. She tried to laugh realistically but it only came out as a short breath. Valka looked over at her, "What's wrong?" Astrid sighed,

"I love Hiccup, and he's the most romantic person I've ever met, but..."

"But what?" Astrid gave Valka a serious look before she spoke,

 "I wish he would spend more time with me... He's too interested in his work or dragons or his duties, but me... Sometimes it's like I don't exist..." Valka sighed and looked at the trembling girl,

"Ahhh... I hear you.. Stoick used to be like that, and it didn't help that he wasn't romantic..." Astrid rolled her eyes,

"What was Hiccup when he was young?" Valka saddened,

"I didn't spend that much time with him but I noticed a couple of things... He used to always space out and when you spoke to him when he was out of it, he'd look at you as if you'd asked him to kill a dragon!" Astrid burst into laughter,

"He still does that!!! Oh my Thor!" Valka laughed with her. She enjoyed spending time with her,

"Does he act stubborn and like he knows best?" Astrid smiled and tried to answer between giggles,

"Yeah!!" They both laughed and struggled for breath,

"What's the most insane plan he's ever come up with?" Astrid tried to think,

"Probably when he thought he could train a Screaming Death!" Valka tried to hold back laughter, Astrid was smiling as well. Even though she wasn't there she did find it funny... Valka looked at the horizon and still saw nothing. "Oh, watch his arms and shoulders when he rants!" Valka shrugged his shoulders in immitation,

"Like this!" Astrid burst into laughter,

"Yeah!" Valka patted Cloudjumper and looked around them. Suddenly she saw a figure flying towards them from the horizon,

"Astrid!" Valka pointed her finger to the shadow and Astrid followed her finger. As soon as her eyes landed upon the figure her and Stormfly shot off towards it. Valka followed on from behind. As soon as they caught up Astrid was halted in fromt of Hiccup,

"Where were you, Hiccup?! We were worried sick!" Hiccup sighed and began moving his arms in defense. Astrid watched trying to keep a straight face. Valka also tried as well, that is until he finished. The two girls then burst into fits of laughter,

"What?" They continued laughing, "What did I say?" Astrid tried to recover but couldn't, neither could Valka. Eventually when they both finished they looked back at a very unimpressed Hiccup. Valka cleared her throat and then spoke,

"Okay... Let's get back, then..." The three flew back in silence, apart from Astrid and Valka exchanging glances and smiling.


They landed and Valka hugged Astrid before heading back into the house. Astrid smiled and began to walk back to her house until a familiar hand grabbed her arm,

"Hiccup..." She was pulled back and turned to face him,

"I want to know what you two were on about..." Astrid sighed,

"Girl stuff... The day, jobs, you..." hiccup's eyes widened before they saddened,

"I am sorry Astrid. I know that I haven't been spending that much time with you lately... But from now on, I promise, I will spend more time with you..." He held her hands in his and kissed them,

"Deal..." Hiccup let go of her hands and walked into the light of his house, leaving Astrid in the dark, quiet of the night. Astrid smiled warmly to herself and walked back to to her house.


Here is another one shot for y'all and I hope you like it. Also using a different kind of author's note at the end, do you like it, I strangely do? Seems more informal and I think it helps me relax after writing these. Even though I do listen to songs whilst writing...

Any who remember to request if you have any juicy ideas because after my last one I am in desperate need of ideas!! So I hope you've enjoyed it, CHEERIO!!!!

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