Heather vs. Astrid

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A/N: I had a thought... What if Heather actually had a crush on Hiccup instead of Fishlegs, and she actually told Astrid when they're in the forest (You know like in Have Dragon Will Travel) and I decided to make a one shot of it... It won't be funny I know that but I just find this really funny.........

"Element of Suprise?!" Heather looked at the axe that was firmly lodged in the tree behind her,

"It's one of Hiccup's favourite tactics." Astrid smiled and picked up her axe preparing to throw it,

"So..." Heather unlodged the axe from the tree "You two are a thing, right?" Astrid threw the axe but it slipped out of her hand flipping to a high point on a tree. She turned to Heather and held up her hands,

"What?! No! Just friends..." Heather smiled, she threw an axe at a target. She didn't know whether she believed Astrid,

"Hmmm. He's kinda cute," Astrid shrugged and picked up another axe.

"I guess if you like that unassuming, dragon rider type..." Her axe hit the target. Bulls eye. Heather smiled and sighed quietly,

"And the rugged, clever looks. The emerald green eyes that seem to shine," Heather threw her battleaxe at the target and watched as it swept of all three right in the middle. Astrid stode over to pick up her axe and gave Heather a puzzled look, but Astrid couldn't shake this feeling of jealousy. Why though? Hiccup and her were only friends, nothing more. Why was she jealous?

"You okay, Heather?" Heather nodded,

"Yeah why?" Astrid shrugged,

"Don't know you just didn't seem yourself... You went into a daze," Then it hit Astrid, "You like Hiccup!?" Heather's eyes widened. Was it that obvious?  Heather shook her head before throwing another axe at a target.

"What? No, why would you even think that?!" Astrid grabbed another axe from the targets and threw it again, she rolled her eyes at Heather in the process. But Astrid felt herself growing angrier. Ugh! It was really annoying her that she couldn't figure out why. But she knew for certain that Heather was in love with Hiccup, and that fact frustrated her the most. Heather pulled her battleaxe from the target and pointed it at Astrid, "Even if I did, why are you so bothered by it?" Astrid held up her hands in defense...

"I am not bothered!" Astrid's hands scrunched into fists. What was Heather trying to suggest,

"Oh yeah? Why are your hands like that? In fists. You're obviously bothered by something," Astrid looked at her hands, her knuckles turning white and pain filling in her palms. Nail marks left scars all over her hands. Why did she do that? "You like Hiccup as well?" Astrid gave Heather one of her death glares, she took a deep breath and puffed out her chest.

"Maybe?" Heather smiled leaning on her battleaxe,

"Ha, you keep dreaming... It's not like he would ever like you though!" Astrid huffed. How dare she?! Astrid screamed and ran towards Heather,

"That's it! You're gonna pay for that!" Astrid jumped on top of Heather knocking her to the ground. She gave Heather a swift punch in the face, but the it was returned sending Astrid flying backwards. Heather ran over and gave Astrid a hard kick in the stomach causing Astrid to fall to the ground, but only for a second as she flipped herself back up. Suddenly Heather ran towards Astrid with her battleaxe, Astrid quickly grabbed a nearby axe and just before Heather could make contact Astrid held the axe up in defense pushing Heather away from her. They ran towards each other slashing out and dodging every attack. Heather pounced at Astrid by surprise, cutting her arm. Blood poured out of the wound making Astrid even more angry, she picked up her axe and ran over to Heather slashing everywhere eventually catching Heather in the face. A large slit cut into her face. Heather touched the wound and looked back at her hand to see the blood,

"You cut me! You actually made me bleed!" Astrid held her axe to Heather,

"Not nice is it, pretty girl?" Heather launched at Astrid her battleaxe on the ground. She knocked the axe out of Astrid's hands knocking them both onto the ground, but as the hit the ground Astrid kicked Heather over the top of her and scrambled back up to her feet. Heather scrambled back up to her feet and sprinted at Astrid sending a punch square on the nose. Astrid screamed in agony then sent another punch at Heather right in the face, causing Heather to stumble backwards. Astrid began to approach Heather but the noticed her picking up a nearby axe and clambering to her feet, defenseless Astrid stumble backwards. What to do? Heather ran over screaming and planted the axe right between Astrid's feet, Astrid still stumbling back to dodge her attacks. Suddenly Heather kicked Astrid causing her to stop, Heather raised her axe to make a final blow but then a black shadow approached and stole the axe out of Heather's hands. 

"Hiccup..." Astrid sighed, her head laid gently onto the ground behind her. But Heather wasn't finished, she sent one final blow to Astrid's face knocking her out cold. The black shadow landed not far from the girls. Hiccup jumped off the Night Fury and ran over to them, he slid on his knees over to Astrid's body. His hands slid underneath her body and held her close to his head, he put his ear to her chest. She was still breathing. He then sent Heather a stern glare,

"Clubhouse, NOW!" She ran over to Windshear and took off back over to the edge. Hiccup sighed and noticed the deep wound on her arm. She was still bleeding, he called Toothless over. The Night Fury perked up and ran over as quick as he could, Hiccup reached inside the saddlebag and felt around for a piece of cloth. Nothing. He looked at his shirt and then back at Astrid, "Anything for you... You have to stay with me, Astrid." He ripped a strip of material from his shirt and wrapped it around her arm, he then picked her up bridal style and placed her on Toothless's back before Hiccup too climbed on to his back.

Back at the edge, Hiccup put Astrid on one of the chairs. Her head rested on her shoulder, and her chest breathed steadily. Hiccup wrapped his hands around Astrid's and kissed it gently, 

"Don't leave me..." He got up and sternly looked at Heather, "Why?"

"Hiccup, it's not what you think!" Hiccup wasn't buying her excuses,

"Of course it is! A full on girl fight broke out that's what happened... Man! I wish I was there to see it." Hiccup and Heather sent a death glare towards Snotlout who was stood leaning against the wall, "Sorry..."

"Heather, how could you let this happen?!" Hiccup was staring back at Heather now,

"I am really sorry Hiccup, but I didn't think it would get this far. I just thought..." Heather's voice grew quieter,

"You thought what?!" Hiccup's voice only grew louder, he was really mad now.

"I thought if I proved how tough I was, maybe she would back off..." Hiccup looked stunned,

"Back off from what?" Heather looked at Hiccup and sighed,

"From... From you," Hiccup stumbled back, they were fighting over him...

"Hey. Who knew that a new hen in the rooster house, would cause this?! Isn't it awesome..." Everyone looked at Ruffnut who was punching the air, "Too soon?" She looked at her brother,

"A little bit,"

"Why me?" Hiccup put his hands on his chest, he never thought this would happen to him.

"Because we both like you..." No one noticed Astrid regaining conscientiousness and trying to stand up, but failing.

"Astrid?!" Hiccup ran over and helped her up, "What do you mean?" Heather and Astrid exchanged a look of jealousy. But Astrid had her chance, she wasn't gonna lose it now. Astrid grabbed Hiccup's shirt and their lips crashed together, his hand weaved into Astrid hair and held her closer. Heather stood beside the others and sighed,

"She won..." They all looked at her in shock as a smile crossed her face. "Well done," She silently clapped her hands together. Heather knew that Hiccup loved Astrid, but she needed a way to get him to express it even if it meant she would end up with a cut across her face, it was worth it...

What did you think? I know it's not the best but I had a load of fun writing the fight scene, I just imagined this actually happening! Anyway, 2.4K reads guys! OMG Thanks!!!! I never thought I would get this far, I love you all so much... Keep reading and Love Hiccstrid!!

I will try and make more Hiccstrid stories and as usual if you have any ideas feel free to tell me, I am always open for ideas!!

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