I Want More...

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Years of friendship.

Those had been his words. Years of friendship. That was what had established our relationship, and built this new status over the foundation of.

Years of friendship.

Perhaps that was all this new relationship was in aid of, keeping our long friendship. I'd hinted at my feelings, given him the opening to let us be more, and he had just accepted it. It had never occurred to me that it could have been because he valued me too much as a friend to turn me down.

After all, that was what our relationship had been built upon.


I didn't know why that word bothered me so much. Sure, we had known each other for years, and I'm glad that we had that time to get to know one another, and to become so much closer. But...

Seriously?! Friendship!

After several months of a relationship, he still can't see me as more than a friend. Perhaps that was why I was always the one to initiate our kisses or give him the go-ahead. It was always up to me!

Was it too much to ask to be loved? To at least feel like I am loved?

It seems ridiculous that a girl like me, the Fearless Astrid Hofferson, would be so scared of this one thing. Of her own boyfriend's feelings. I just can never figure him out. He is aloof, as though he doesn't want anyone else to know about his feelings for me.

As if he hides it that well...

Although, recently, I have been unsure whether those same feelings still remain. I know that when we were kids he had feelings for me, sure. I had seen those longing looks, and those dazed expressions whenever I had kissed him out of the blue. 

I revelled in them.

But recently, Hiccup has become distant from me.

I just don't get it.

Staring at the betrothal necklace he had given me for our betrothal, I wondered whether it still had the same meaning. Perhaps we had both become rather complacent in our own relationship. If I wanted Hiccup to be a little more like I wanted him to be, maybe I needed to show him that I was ready to become more too.

It was petty of me to think that I wanted us to be more like Mala and Dagur. I didn't think I could handle all that romantic cutesy nonsense that they did. But something like it couldn't be too much to ask for. To know that we both care for one another.

A knock erupted from my door and my heart pounded in my chest at the thought of it being Hiccup. I pounced from my bed and ran to the door, desperate to see Hiccup. Alas, when I opened the door, the excitement quickly left my face as I was met with the twins, who engaged me in a rather disgusting and dull conversation.

Yet, my saving grace arrived when I heard the familiar wing-beat of Toothless darting through the sky. Soon, Hiccup was landing before me, smiling as innocently as usual.

However, his eyes were trained on my face. I needed him to see the necklace, to see the effort I had put into showing our relationship, to hint at showing everyone that we were more than... that word. But his eyes remained trained on my face. So, in the most desperate move I could think of, I leaned forward so that the necklace would drop from my chest and dangle in the air like a bird-scarer. 

I had hoped that the necklace would attract his attention, swinging around my neck as I tried to avert his attention towards it. Yet, no matter what I did, Hiccup did not take the bait. All he was bothered about was that stupid dragon, and taking all of our remaining scrap metal to the Armorwing.

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