Truth or Dare Part 3

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This is my 3rd Truth or dare and is in no way related to the others. It's set in the 3rd season of RTTE but quite close to the end, around near Last Auction Heroes?? I also put this video up there because I thought that it perfectly describes Hiccup's family, including Astrid... (Video by NightFuryLover31) Enjoy!!!

The gang were all in the clubhouse. They were all suffering from the loss of a dear friend and although they went through a lot with him, like running from his death threats, they still felt like he was family. Heather was dealing with it a lot harder than the rest, especially after she found out what really happened between him and her father. She never really considered him as a brother but after his death she couldn't help but feel that he was part of her. The said man was, Dagur. His name brought chills to his enemies but the riders found his death more heart-breaking than they first imagined, including Heather. She re-read his letter over and over. She could only believe he'd moved on when she finally forgave him for what he had done...

The clubhouse was quiet and no one moved their lips, they all found his death a hard one to get through but they all wanted Heather to fell better. Even the twins, surprisingly.. Tuffnut looked at his sister with a cheeky grin, the silence had gone on long enough and he had an idea (when has that brought anyone joy) so he decided to break the silence,

"Sooooo. Me and Ruff were wondering whether we could have a sleepover, here in the clubhouse... For old times sake, you know..."Hiccup gave the twins an annoyed look,

"Why in Thor's name would we want to do that?!" He was struggling with Dagur's death as well, but Astrid placed a hand upon his shoulder. He sighed and looked at Astrid, they exchanged a loving glance at one another,

"Well, I for one, Tuffnut, think that's a great idea!" Everyone groaned and nodded,

"I guess it'll be fun..." Hiccup eventually agreed. The twins high fived each other. This was going to be awesome.


After the plates were cleaned up everyone sat in a circle and sat in an awkward silence. Astrid and Hiccup were sat side by side and Astrid could tell that Hiccup was upset and held his hand. Hiccup gave Astrid a small smile before looking back at the ground. Heather gave Astrid a light punch,

"Just friends, hey" Astrid glared at Heather and let go of Hiccup's hand. The twins were deciding what game to play to pass the time and after a squabble they reached a decision,

"Okay gang, who's up for truth or dare?" Everyone groaned before nodding. It was the only way to make sure this night could end,

"Alright! I'll go first... Snotlout, Truth or Dare?" Snotlout perked up,

"Errmm... Dare!" Tuff laughed mischeviously,

"I dare you to sit on Hookfang... When he's on fire!" Everyone gasped whilst letting out a small giggle,

"Fine..." Snotlout walked out of the Clubhouse to find his dragon, but he found him in a rather bad mood, "HOOKFANG!" The gang watched Snotlout running out of the stables with a cranky Nightmare following him. Everyone burst into fits of laughter, "Ha ha ha... Astrid, Truth or Dare?" Astrid groaned,

"Dare..." Snotlout smiled,

"Kiss me..." Astrid's eyes widened,

"WHAT?!" Astrid and Hiccup said in unison. "No way! I am not doing that!" Everyone gave Astrid a look that said 'come on' but Hiccup was dead against it, but she leaned in and before she kissed Snotlout, Hiccup pushed him out the way. The gang looked at Hiccup in shock and he just shrugged whilst lightly blushing. Astrid was even more shocked, she'd never seen that side of him but it looked like he was protecting her. Heather whispered once more,

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