These Four Walls - Request

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This is a request by Misschubbystyles and I had a lot of fun planning and writing this one!! Modern au (just saying!!!)

Astrid's POV:

I sat in my room staring at the wall. I couldn't stop thinking about him. Hiccup. He was all that was on my mind. My eyes were still glued to the wall as I grabbed the bed sheets and wrapped myself in their warmth, and that's when I couldn't hold back the tears.

It's been about 3 weeks since Hiccup died. I had never got the chance to tell him that I was pregnant, but I was going to tell him the night that he died. Hiccup died in a car crash, the doctors said that he died almost instantly and I take comfort in the fact that he was thinking of me in his last moments. But I can't be sure...

I take the box of tissues that lay on the bed beside me. I tear it from the box and wipe my face. My mind has been absent these last couple of days, but I can't help it when I look at the brightly shining, gold ring wrapped around my finger. I rubbed it gently and sighed as I did so,

"I miss you Hiccup... I love you..." I kissed the ring as I spoke. I did truly miss him and I'll admit that. I still want to believe that he was alive, that he escaped and planted that body. 

Why do I believe that? Well, the reason why Hiccup was driving so fast down that road was because he was being chased by assassins. Yes, Hiccup was wanted dead. He's been wanted dead by so many people, but I always have faith that he will come home at night. I know who was chasing him and I didn't believe it at first, but eventually I had to accept it. It was the CIA. I had no idea why they would want him dead but I had to leave it up to them, it was their business after all.

As I think this another tear rolls down my face and I groan in frustration as it hits the sheets below,

"Ugh! Stop it... Stop crying..." I fell backwards onto the sheets and closed my eyes. As my eyelids covered my pupils I felt a warm embrace upon my cheek, but fearing that it is just my imagination I keep my eyes closed. I savor the familiar soft touch upon my rosy cheeks, I could recognize that touch from anywhere. Hiccup... I wanted to believe that he was there, watching over me like an angel as I felt his soft touch. 

I quickly shook my head and opened my eyes. NO! He's dead! I have to live with that, but how can I? He's gone... I sighed and sat on my bed. I leaned over to the bedside table and turned on the radio. I listened to the announcer as he announced the next song and the song drifted into motion. I sang along to the song I heard:(Play vid now)

I feel so numb
Staring at the shower wall
It's begun,
The feeling that the end has come
And now the water's cold

I tried to eat today
But the lump in my throat got in the way

In this time I've lost all sense of pride
I've called a hundred times
If I hear your voice I'll be fine

And I, I can't come alive
I want the room to take me under
'Cause I can't help but wonder
What if I had one more night for goodbye?
If you're not here to turn the lights off, I can't sleep
These four walls and me

I lay in bed
Can't seem to leave your side
Your pillow's wet
From all these tears I've cried
I won't say goodbye

I tried to smile today
Then I realized there's no point anyway

In this time I've lost all sense of pride
I've called a thousand times
If I hear your voice I'll be fine

And I, I can't come alive
I want the room to take me under
'Cause I can't help but wonder
What if I had one more night for goodbye?
If you're not here to turn the lights off I can't sleep
These four walls and me

Oh oh oh

And I, I can't come alive
I want the room to take me under
'Cause I can't help but wonder
What if I had one more night for goodbye?
If you're not here to turn the lights off I can't sleep
These four walls and me  

The radio presenter's voice cried out over the end of the song. I felt my heart sink as I sighed in the silent empty room. I wonder whether Hiccup's happy where he is? Whether he found peace? Whether he's still thinking of me? Because I'll always be thinking of him...


Okay that's one request down, another one to go! Wow, this one got pretty deep huh? But my next couple of one shots might be similar to this but I will try and make them Viking times. 

Also sorry Misschubbystyles if you wanted this in viking times but I couldn't find a good enough angle to make it worth while so you'll just have to put up with it being in modern times! Sorry!!!

Keep calm and patient guys the next update will be coming soon!!! (Hopefully...) And this also isn't the longest one shot ever but it was something!

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