Shout Out to My Ex

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Modern au: Astrid and Heather are in a bar. Fishlegs has just broken up with Heather and she's heart broken. But when him and his friends walk through the door she does something she'd never had the courage to do before...

They look like the do in RTTE.

Heather sat there with her head on the table, her arms acting as pillows on the hard wooden surface. Astrid was sat beside her and felt awash with pity for her friend. She'd never seen her like this before, she was always as hard as nails but now she just seemed like a different person. Astrid placed a hand on Heathers arm in comfort,

"Hey... It'll get better, I promise..." Heather looked up,

"Oh yeah," she sniffed and wiped her nose, "and how exactly..." Astrid sighed. She actually didn't know but she just wanted to comfort her friend.

"Well... Whatever happens, just know that I'll always be here for you." Heather smiled at this and then quietly rested her head back on her arms.

Astrid sighed and leaned back in her chair. She hated seeing her friend like this, but she also hated being the one to comfort her. When she's angry she just goes to a nearby shooting range and 'shoots all her problems away' and it works. But not with Heather. She prefers to 'drink all her problems away' and that can lead to disastrous consequences.

Just then, Astrid's phone beeped. She looked at Heather who was now sat up in her chair. She had a frustrated look on her face,

"Let me guess... It's Hiccup." Astrid sighed,

"Do you mind if I take a look?" Heather sighed,

"Go ahead..." Astrid smiled and reached into her bag. She wrapped her fingers around her sleek phone and pulled the glowing screen out from within her bag. She quickly read the message,

"Hey M'lady. Won't be home tonight. But neither are you! 😂 Got to work night shift? 😒 Love you XXX"

Astrid sighed. He never worked the night shift. Why all of a sudden would he do one now? She furrowed her eyebrows as she thought this.

"Astrid? Is everything alright?" Astrid snapped back to reality and looked at Heather with worried eyes,

"I don't know... I think Hiccup might be cheating on me..." She shows Heather the phone,

"Oh no... Astrid I am so sorry..." Heather sighed,

"It's okay..." Just then Fishlegs, Snotlout and Tuffnut walked into the bar, "Oh no..." Heather frowned,

"What's the..." Heather turned around to see the three boys walking over to a group of girls. Fishlegs had wrapped his arm around one and kissed on the cheek, "Aw hell no!" Heathers fists tightened and whitened.

"Oh gods..." Just then the door swung open again to reveal another man, "Hiccup?" The man turned to the group of friends and joined them, "That lying son of a b***h!" Astrid slammed her fist on the table.

Another man from behind the bar then walked over to the stage. He grabbed a couple of microphone stands and microphones before he spoke into one,

"Testing testing, one two. Alright if you can all hear me then let's get this karaoke night started! Who's gonna go up first..." Nobody moved. Not one hand moved until Heather raised her hand. "Yes, you lovely young lady with the black hair. Step right up." Heather stood and tugged on Astrid's arm, at first she was reluctant but soon yielded,

"Okay..." Heather walked over to the do and whispered something into his ear, in response he nodded. (Start vid now)

This is a shout out to my ex
Heard he in love with some other chick
Yeah yeah, that hurt me, I'll admit
Forget that boy, I'm over it
I hope she gettin' better sex
Hope she ain't fakin' it like I did, babe
Took four long years to call it quits
Forget that boy, I'm over it

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