The Curse

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Summary: The vikings of Berk are haunted by a curse. But when the teens lose one of their friends, they do everything in their power to get her back...

Vikings have lived on Berk for hundreds of years and despite the curse, we have never strayed to a new home. My father was the chief before he was taken a year ago by the curse, but that doesn't upset me. My best friend was also taken. Astrid was her name... But I know that she's still alive somewhere out there...

What's the curse? Well, when a Viking is bitten by a dragon or a reptile of some kind, the said Viking will turn into their dragon equal. I was there when happened to Astrid. I was there...

One year ago

"Hiccup! Help!!!" I was running through the forest, fast as I could. My legs were becoming weak,

"Astrid!" I could see her through the trees. I saw my friends surrounding the clearing, they were scared. For good reason. But over taken by an urge to save her I jumped into the clearing and tried to get the dragons attention,

"HEY!! You!!!" The dragon didn't flinch. It's eyes locked with Astrid's, it had made its choice. I could see the fear in Astrid's eyes,

"Please. No... Have mercy..." Then, it strikes. I could Astrid scream as its teeth sunk into her skin, she knew her fate and tyre was nothing u could do. I'd never felt so helpless, "Hiccup!!!!" I watched as the dragon slowly let go and Astrid's skin began to change. Scales and bones adjusting and mutating. Her arms became wings and her head grew spines, then came her tail. Covered in deadly spines and a beautiful array of colours. I heard someone calling me,

"Hiccup! We have to go!" My friends had gathered behind me. I watched as Astrid began changing. Skin to scales. Arms to wings. Hair to spines. It was horrible, but I couldn't tear myself away.

Soon there was nothing left of her, just dragon. I watched as the dragon that had bitten her flew up into the sky. Astrid slowly arose from the floor,

"HICCUP!!!" I snapped myself out of my trance. We had to leave, no matter how much I didn't want to leave my friend,

"Alright!" I ran out of the clearing with my friends but before we disappeared into the trees, I glanced back once more at the frail Nadder, struggling to stand,

"Goodbye, Astrid..." Then we disappeared into the woods.

Present Day - Hiccup's POV:

I am sat on the leaf covered floor and slowly sharpened Astrid's axe. She had given it to me a couple of weeks before she turned. I have never let it out of my sight, she and I were so close but I never told her how I really felt. I love her. I know that somewhere in that Nadder's body, she's still there. I began to hum 'For the Dancing and the Dreaming', it was mine and Astrid's song. Our parents used to sing it, but it just reminds me of Astrid. I heard a twig snap behind me, i quickly rose to my feet and got into my battle stance. I know I shouldn't engage any dragons in case I am bitten but I needed to see whether it was Astrid,

"Hiccup!! Thank Thor, I've been searching everywhere." Ruffnut emerged from the trees followed by her brother. I look behind her to see whether the others are with her,

"Where are the others?!" Ruffnut looks at me guiltily,

"I was hoping you would know..." I face palm and look at the clearing. I see two eyes in the wood behind me. Ruffnut sees it too,

"We better get going... NOW!" Just as I say that, a Nadder jumps out of the woods and roars ferociously at us. I look at it once more before turning to run away,

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