Rude Language

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The video above is my inspiration for this one shot (1:52) and also, it's fracking funny! I love this scene in the movie SO much and if anyone dis's it, I will go all homicidal on your ass! Movie's called 17 Again.

Sorry, I only said that because my friends were making fun of Hiccstrid (My OTP) and my Instagram account (KirstenFuryLover), but they don't understand the stress we are going through with RTTE so it sucks to be them! Anyway, hope you guys like this chappie!

Hiccups POV:

I searched the Edge vigorously that night. It's been 3 days since Astrid disappeared, but we still haven't found any trace of her anywhere on the island. All I hoped was that she was okay.

Toothless yawned loudly as we began our 100th circle around the island. I sighed and looked down at the Night Fury.

"I feel you bud. Let's rest down on that watchtower and then we'll get back up into the air." I suggested. Toothless gurgled back in agreement and we swooped down onto the watchtower.

I looked out at the sea as Toothless slept behind me. I listened to the waves gentle beating against the shore and I suddenly felt at peace. I forgot about all my worries and the stress just seemed to melt away.

"FIRE!!" I heard a shout come from down below me. I looked around in panic but was too late. I was soon entangled in rope and I couldn't move. Toothless jumped up and tried to free me but to no avail, as he too was caught in rope and struggling to break free.

We were soon joined in the watchtower by three hunters. The main one smiled at Toothless before signalling to the other two to take him away. He then turned to me.

"Don't worry. We'll take good care of your Night Fury friend." With that he kicked me, knocking me out instantly.


Astrid's POV:

My stomach was screaming, my hair felt like rope and my skin was trying to escape from my body. I looked awful. I hadn't eaten in 3 days ever since I was captured and they've been torturing me ever since. But it's been mental torture not physical.

Viggo sits in front of me. My hands struggle against the tight ropes that chain them together. He glares at me and watches as it undoes me from the inside. I can feel my body breaking down and tearing itself apart.

"You won't be alone soon..." Viggo says out of the darkness before he rises to leave. I sigh as my body begins to calm and I feel my heart rate calm too.

"Hiccup... Where are you when I need you?" I whisper quietly to the darkness that surrounded me. I sighed as I finally laid down onto the dry, mouldy floor. "I miss you..." Was all I said before I watched the world around me become blurry and faded.

"Get in there!" A strange voice shouted from my prison door. That was right after I heard the slam of the door. My eyes batted open and I couldn't believe what I saw.

"Astrid..." The figures voice was gentle and had a sense of relief to it. I smiled for the first time in 3 days as my eyes met with the figures forest green eyes.

"Hiccup...?!" I ran over to him weakly and he did the same to me. He wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace, his hands were untied unlike mine.

"Oh Astrid, I've missed you." Hiccup sighed as he ran his hands up and down my back. Something about that action felt soothing and I suddenly felt at peace, and safe.

Hiccup soon broke the hug and gladly undid my ropes. He smiled once more at me before he finally turned to the door.

"We've got to get out of here." Hiccup exclaimed. I sighed as I saw a familiar figure step from the darkness.

"Oh, but that will be merely impossible now. Won't it?" Viggo's voice cut through the air like a knife and I saw Hiccups hands tighten around the prison door. I came forward and stepped beside Hiccup and placed a comforting hand upon his shoulder.

"What do you want Viggo?!" Hiccup questioned. Viggo smiled, then he turned to face me. His stare billowing through my soul once more.

"Are you too weak like the first time you stepped on my boat? Expecting your little boyfriend to save your bruised back?" Viggo smiled deviously and was right up against the prison door. But suddenly he fell backwards as a strong hand pushed against him.

"Little punk!" Hiccup said through gritted teeth, "You don't talk to her that way!" Hiccup stated. Viggo raised from the ground, grabbing a sword. He then pulled a lever and opened the prison door.

"Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do about it?" Viggo challenged holding the sword up to Hiccup.

"What an I gonna do?" Hiccup asked. Viggo smiled, as Hiccup walked further back and then turned to face him. "First, I'm gonna write to your father." Viggo laughed hysterically.

"He's dead." Viggo shouted and threw the sword at Hiccup who, surprisingly, caught it. He then spun it around in his hand and flipped it so that he was holding the sword by its handle.

"I feel sorry for you Viggo, I really do." Hiccup started. Viggo tried to wipe his surprised expression off of his face.

"You don't know me..." Viggo said through his teeth.

"Oh but I do," Hiccup began, "All too well. You're the Viking. Chief of your tribe. Outsmarts the enemy. But to people, here stands a bully. It'd be way too easy to say that you pray on the weak mainly because you're a dick!" I let out a soft giggle, earning a glared from Viggo. But Hiccup carried on talking, tossing and flipping the sword in his hands as he spoke. "No. You're far more complex than that, aren't you? See according to psychology books, you're a bully for one of three reasons. Number 1, inside all that male exterior there's an insecure little girl banging on the closet door just trying to get out." Viggo's expression became angrier. "Number 2, Viggo's physical stature is underdeveloped. Which means he is unable to use self control and often acts out aggressively." Hiccup smiled as he spin the sword on his little finger. "And number 3, Viggo has a small wiener." I burst out into laughter and watched as Hiccup flipped and tossed the sword around in the air. He then brought the sword up to Viggo's neck, "Dint hurt yourself big boy..." Was all Hiccup said before he punched Viggo on the nose knocking him out.

"Wow..." I said out of the silence. I walked up to Hiccup and gave him a light kiss in the cheek. "Thank you.." Hiccuo smile and grabbed my hand.

"Come on. Let's get out of here..."

No part 2!!!

I've wanted to make this one shot for a while now and I finally got around to it! Woohoo!

Anyway, school has been hell so far but we have a week off on the 17th of Feb. Same day as RTTE Season 4!!! I'll be watching it throughout the week that I am off for!

I hope you enjoyed this one shot and I will try and complete the rest of my ideas before season 4 comes out!

Love y'all!!!!

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